Philippe Bocher
Philippe Bocher
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δ Phase precipitation in Inconel 718 and associated mechanical properties
M Anderson, AL Thielin, F Bridier, P Bocher, J Savoie
Materials Science and Engineering: A 679, 48-55, 2017
Transient liquid phase bonding of Inconel 718 and Inconel 625 with BNi-2: Modeling and experimental investigations
MA Arafin, M Medraj, DP Turner, P Bocher
Materials Science and Engineering: A 447 (1-2), 125-133, 2007
Texture heterogeneities induced by subtransus processing of near α titanium alloys
L Germain, N Gey, M Humbert, P Vo, M Jahazi, P Bocher
Acta Materialia 56 (16), 4298-4308, 2008
High resolution mapping of strain localization near twin boundaries in a nickel-based superalloy
JC Stinville, N Vanderesse, F Bridier, P Bocher, TM Pollock
Acta Materialia 98, 29-42, 2015
Analysis of sharp microtexture heterogeneities in a bimodal IMI 834 billet
L Germain, N Gey, M Humbert, P Bocher, M Jahazi
Acta Materialia 53 (13), 3535-3543, 2005
Surface characteristics and fatigue behavior of shot peened Inconel 718
T Klotz, D Delbergue, P Bocher, M Lévesque, M Brochu
International Journal of Fatigue 110, 10-21, 2018
Sub-grain scale digital image correlation by electron microscopy for polycrystalline materials during elastic and plastic deformation
JC Stinville, MP Echlin, D Texier, F Bridier, P Bocher, TM Pollock
Experimental mechanics 56, 197-216, 2016
Texture and microtexture variations in a near-α titanium forged disk of bimodal microstructure
N Gey, P Bocher, E Uta, L Germain, M Humbert
Acta Materialia 60 (6-7), 2647-2655, 2012
Residual stress and microstructure in welds of 13% Cr–4% Ni martensitic stainless steel
D Thibault, P Bocher, M Thomas
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209 (4), 2195-2202, 2009
Discontinuous strain-induced martensite transformation related to the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in a medium manganese steel
B Sun, N Vanderesse, F Fazeli, C Scott, J Chen, P Bocher, M Jahazi, ...
Scripta Materialia 133, 9-13, 2017
Macroscopic to nanoscopic in situ investigation on yielding mechanisms in ultrafine grained medium Mn steels: role of the austenite-ferrite interface
B Sun, Y Ma, N Vanderesse, RS Varanasi, W Song, P Bocher, D Ponge, ...
Acta Materialia 178, 10-25, 2019
Impact of startup scheme on Francis runner life expectancy
M Gagnon, SA Tahan, P Bocher, D Thibault
IOP conference series: earth and environmental science 12 (1), 012107, 2010
Flow stress prediction during hot working of near-α titanium alloys
P Vo, M Jahazi, S Yue, P Bocher
Materials Science and Engineering: A 447 (1-2), 99-110, 2007
Finite element simulation and analysis of serrated chip formation during high–speed machining of AA7075–T651 alloy
W Jomaa, O Mechri, J Lévesque, V Songmene, P Bocher, A Gakwaya
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 26, 446-458, 2017
Microstructure evolution at the onset of discontinuous dynamic recrystallization: A physics-based model of subgrain critical size
A Momeni, GR Ebrahimi, M Jahazi, P Bocher
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 587, 199-210, 2014
Residual stress characterization in low transformation temperature 13% Cr–4% Ni stainless steel weld by neutron diffraction and the contour method
D Thibault, P Bocher, M Thomas, M Gharghouri, M Côté
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (23), 6205-6210, 2010
Predicting the effects of material properties gradient and residual stresses on the bending fatigue strength of induction hardened aeronautical gears
V Savaria, F Bridier, P Bocher
International Journal of Fatigue 85, 70-84, 2016
Texture heterogeneities in αps titanium forging analysed by EBSD‐Relation to fatigue crack propagation
E Uta, N Gey, P Bocher, M Humbert, J Gilgert
Journal of microscopy 233 (3), 451-459, 2009
A sequential DEM-FEM coupling method for shot peening simulation
F Tu, D Delbergue, H Miao, T Klotz, M Brochu, P Bocher, M Levesque
Surface and Coatings Technology 319, 200-212, 2017
Thermal stability and annealing behaviour of ultrafine grained commercially pure titanium
M Hoseini, MH Pourian, F Bridier, H Vali, JA Szpunar, P Bocher
Materials Science and Engineering: A 532, 58-63, 2012
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Articles 1–20