David G. Dobolyi
David G. Dobolyi
Caruso Faculty Scholar, Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado Boulder
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Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science
Open Science Collaboration
Science 349 (6251), aac4716, 2015
The scientific status of learning styles theories
DT Willingham, EM Hughes, DG Dobolyi
Teaching of Psychology 42 (3), 266-271, 2015
Advanced customer analytics: Strategic value through integration of relationship-oriented big data
B Kitchens, D Dobolyi, J Li, A Abbasi
Journal of Management Information Systems 35 (2), 540-574, 2018
Eyewitness confidence in simultaneous and sequential lineups: a criterion shift account for sequential mistaken identification overconfidence.
DG Dobolyi, CS Dodson
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 19 (4), 345, 2013
Confidence and eyewitness identifications: The cross‐race effect, decision time and accuracy
CS Dodson, DG Dobolyi
Applied Cognitive Psychology 30 (1), 113-125, 2016
The phishing funnel model: a design artifact to predict user susceptibility to phishing websites
A Abbasi, D Dobolyi, A Vance, FM Zahedi
Information Systems Research 32 (2), 410-436, 2021
A deep learning architecture for psychometric natural language processing
F Ahmad, A Abbasi, J Li, DG Dobolyi, RG Netemeyer, GD Clifford, H Chen
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 38 (1), 1-29, 2020
Predicting high confidence errors in eyewitness memory: The role of face recognition ability, decision-time, and justifications
JH Grabman, DG Dobolyi, NL Berelovich, CS Dodson
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 8 (2), 233-243, 2019
Misinterpreting eyewitness expressions of confidence: The featural justification effect.
CS Dodson, DG Dobolyi
Law and Human Behavior 39 (3), 266, 2015
Health literacy, health numeracy, and trust in doctor: effects on key patient health outcomes
RG Netemeyer, DG Dobolyi, A Abbasi, G Clifford, H Taylor
Journal of Consumer Affairs 54 (1), 3-42, 2020
Trust calibration of automated security IT artifacts: A multi-domain study of phishing-website detection tools
Y Chen, FM Zahedi, A Abbasi, D Dobolyi
Information & Management 58 (1), 103394, 2021
Actual vs. perceived eyewitness accuracy and confidence and the featural justification effect.
DG Dobolyi, CS Dodson
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 24 (4), 543, 2018
Dysrhythmia of timed movements in Parkinson׳ s disease and freezing of gait
CM Tolleson, DG Dobolyi, OC Roman, K Kanoff, S Barton, SA Wylie, ...
Brain research 1624, 222-231, 2015
Phishmonger: A free and open source public archive of real-world phishing websites
DG Dobolyi, A Abbasi
2016 IEEE conference on intelligence and security informatics (ISI), 31-36, 2016
Judging guilt and accuracy: Highly confident eyewitnesses are discounted when they provide featural justifications
CS Dodson, DG Dobolyi
Psychology, Crime & Law 23 (5), 487-508, 2017
A decision processes account of the differences in the eyewitness confidence-accuracy relationship between strong and weak face recognizers under suboptimal exposure and delay …
JN Gettleman, JH Grabman, DG Dobolyi, CS Dodson
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 47 (3), 402, 2021
Linear and curvilinear trajectories of cortical loss with advancing age and disease duration in Parkinson’s disease
DO Claassen, DG Dobolyi, DA Isaacs, OC Roman, J Herb, SA Wylie, ...
Aging and disease 7 (3), 220, 2016
Constructing a psychometric testbed for fair natural language processing
A Abbasi, D Dobolyi, JP Lalor, RG Netemeyer, K Smith, Y Yang
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2021
Financial education effects on financial behavior and well-being: The mediating roles of improved objective and subjective financial knowledge and parallels in physical health
RG Netemeyer, JG Lynch Jr, DR Lichtenstein, D Dobolyi
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 43 (4), 254-275, 2024
Language models for online depression detection: A review and benchmark analysis on remote interviews
R Qin, R Cook, K Yang, A Abbasi, D Dobolyi, S Seyedi, E Griner, H Kwon, ...
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 2024
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Articles 1–20