Giuseppe Cardile
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Cited by
Soil geosynthetic interaction: design parameters from experimental and theoretical analysis
N Moraci, G Cardile, D Gioffrè, MC Mandaglio, LS Calvarano, L Carbone
Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology 1, 165-227, 2014
Influence of cyclic tensile loading on pullout resistance of geogrids embedded in a compacted granular soil
N Moraci, G Cardile
Geotextiles and geomembranes 27 (6), 475-487, 2009
Deformative behaviour of different geogrids embedded in a granular soil under monotonic and cyclic pullout loads
N Moraci, G Cardile
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 32, 104-110, 2012
Modelling interference between the geogrid bearing members under pullout loading conditions
G Cardile, D Gioffrè, N Moraci, LS Calvarano
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 45 (3), 169-177, 2017
Geosynthetic engineering and vegetation growth in soil reinforcement applications
D Cazzuffi, G Cardile, D Gioffrè
Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology 1, 262-300, 2014
Geogrid pullout behaviour according to the experimental evaluation of the active length
G Cardile, N Moraci, LS Calvarano
Geosynthetics International 23 (3), 194-205, 2016
The influence of a cyclic loading history on soil-geogrid interaction under pullout condition
G Cardile, M Pisano, N Moraci
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 47 (4), 552-565, 2019
Tensile behaviour of an HDPE geogrid under cyclic loading: Experimental results and empirical modelling
G Cardile, N Moraci, M Pisano
Geosynthetics International 24 (1), 95-112, 2017
European Experience in Pullout Tests. The Influence of Geogrid’s Geometry and Structure on Interface Behavior
D Cazzuffi, LS Calvarano, G Cardile, N Moraci, P Recalcati
Geosynthetics 29 (5), 2011
A new apparatus for the study of pullout behaviour of soil-geosynthetic interfaces under sustained load over time
G Cardile, M Pisano, P Recalcati, N Moraci
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 49 (6), 1519-1528, 2021
The influence of soil type on interface behavior under pullout conditions
N Moraci, D Cazzuffi, LS Calvarano, G Cardile, D Gioffrè, P Recalcati
Geosynthetics 32 (3), 42-50, 2014
The influence of vertical effective stress and geogrid length on interface behavior under pullout conditions
D Cazzuffi, N Moraci, LS Calvarano, G Cardile, D Gioffrè, P Recalcati
Geosynthetics 32 (2), 40-50, 2014
A stress transfer model to predict the pullout resistance of extruded geogrids embedded in compacted granular soils
LS Calvarano, D Gioffrè, G Cardile, N Moraci
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics, ICG, 8, 2014
In-air tensile load-strain behaviour of HDPE geogrids under cyclic loading
G Cardile, N Moraci, M Pisano
Procedia Engineering 158, 266-271, 2016
European experience in pullout tests: Part 2-The influence of vertical effective stress and of geogrid length on interface behaviour under pullout conditions
D Cazzuffi, N Moraci, LS Calvarano, G Cardile, D Gioffrè, P Recalcati
Geosynthetics 32 (2), 40-50, 2014
The influence of reinforcement geometry and soil types on the interface behaviour in pullout conditions
LS Calvarano, G Cardile, N Moraci, P Recalcati
5th European Conference on Geosynthetics-Eurogeo 5, 708-714, 2012
Pullout behaviour of different geosynthetics embedded in granular soils
N Moraci, G Cardile
Geosynthetics in Civil and Environmental Engineering: Geosynthetics Asia …, 2009
Soil-geosynthetic interface behaviour in the anchorage zone [Comportamento all’interfaccia terreno-geosintetico nella zona di ancoraggio]
N Moraci, G Cardile, M Pisano
Rivista italiana di geotecnica 51 (1), 5-25, 2017
Experimental evaluation of the pullout active length of different geogrids
G Cardile, LS Calvarano, D Gioffrè, N Moraci
proceeding of 10th ICG, 2014
A theoretical method to predict the pullout behaviour of extruded geogrids embedded in granular soils
N Moraci, G Cardile, D Gioffrè
New Horizons in Earth Reinforcement, 281-287, 2023
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Articles 1–20