Jairo Alexander Osorio Saraz
Jairo Alexander Osorio Saraz
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Comportamiento mecánico del concreto reforzado con fibras de bagazo de caña de azúcar
JA Osorio Saraz, F Varón Aristizábal, JA Herrera Mejía
Dyna 74 (153), 69-79, 2007
Sugarcane Bagasse ash as a partial-Portland-cement-replacement material
O de Paula, IF Ferreira Tinoco, C de Souza Rodrigues, JA Osorio Saraz
Dyna 77 (163), 47-54, 2010
Ammonia: a review of concentration and emission models in livestock structures
JA Osorio, IF Tinoco, HJ Ciro
Dyna 76 (158), 89-99, 2009
Estudio de la dureza del queso Edam por medio de análisis de perfil de textura y penetrometría por esfera
LA Zúñiga Hernández, HJ Ciro Velásquez, JA Osorio Saraz
Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía Medellín 60 (1), 3797-3811, 2007
Evaluación de un sistema de biodigestión en serie para clima frío
JAO Saraz, HJC Velásquez, HG Sánchez
Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía-Medellín 60 (2), 4145-4162, 2007
Three-dimensional modeling and simulation of heat and mass transfer processes in porous media: an application for maize stored in a flat bin
KSO Rocha, JH Martins, MA Martins, JAO Saraz, AFL Filho
Drying Technology 31 (10), 1099-1106, 2013
A CFD based approach for determination of ammonia concentration profile and flux from poultry houses with natural ventilation
JAO Saraz, IFF Tinôco, KSO Rocha, LB Mendes, T Norton
Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía Medellín 69 (1), 7825-7834, 2016
Evaluation of different methods for determining ammonia emissions in poultry buildings and their applicability to open facilities
JA Osorio Saraz, IF Ferreira Tinôco, RS Gates, O DE PAULA, LB Mendes
Dyna 80 (178), 51-60, 2013
Determinación de la resistencia mecánica a tensión y cizalladura de la Guadua angustifolia Kunth
HJ Ciro Velásquez, JA Osorio Saraz, JM Vélez Restrepo
Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía Medellín 58 (1), 2709-2715, 2005
Assessment of black globe thermometers employing various sensors and alternative materials
FAO Vega, APM Ríos, JAO Saraz, LGV Quiroz, FA Damasceno
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 284, 107891, 2020
Compost-bedded pack barns in the state of Minas Gerais: architectural and technological characterization
VC Oliveira, FA Damasceno, CEA Oliveira, PFP Ferraz, GAS Ferraz, ...
Modeling and experimental validation to estimate the energy balance for a poultry house with misting cooling
JA Osorio Saraz, IF Ferreira Tinôco, KS Oliveira Rocha, M Arêdes Martins, ...
Dyna 78 (170), 167-174, 2011
Determination of the isosteric heat to plantain pulp (musa paradisiaca) by sorption isotherms
Dyna 75 (156), 127-134, 2008
Avance experimental de la ingeniería de postcosecha de frutas colombianas: resistencia mecánica para frutos de uchuva (Physalis peruviana l)
HJ Ciro Velásquez, JA Osorio Saraz
Dyna 75 (154), 39-46, 2008
Numerical study of apple cooling in tandem arrangement
M Arêdes Martins, L Soares de Oliveira, JA Osorio Saraz
Dyna 78 (166), 158-165, 2011
Use of computational fluid dynamics to simulate temperature distribution in broiler houses with negative and positive tunnel type ventilation systems
JA Osorio Saraz, M Arêdes Martins, KS Oliveira Rocha, N Silva Machado, ...
Revista UDCA Actualidad & Divulgación Científica 16 (1), 159-166, 2013
O ciclo do nitrogênio na criação de frangos de corte e suas perdas na forma de amônia volátil: uma revisão
LB Mendes, IFF Tinôco, C de Fátima Souza, JAO Saraz
Pubvet 6, Art. 1381-1386, 2016
Validation of a CFD model for prediction of the efficiency of evaporative cooling in porous panels
JA Osorio Saraz, IF Ferreira Tinoco, KS Oliveira Rocha, M Arêdes Martins, ...
Revista UDCA Actualidad & Divulgación Científica 15 (1), 209-217, 2012
Concepções arquitetônicas das instalações utilizadas para a produção avícola visando o conforto térmico em climas tropicais e subtropicais
FA Damasceno, L Schiassi, JAO Saraz, RCC Gomes, F da Costa Baêta
Pubvet 4, Art. 986-991, 2010
Evaluación de las propiedades mecánicas de la estructura interna de la guadua con un modelo matemático
JA Osorio Saraz, A Espinosa Bedoya, EA GARCÍA GALEANO
Dyna 76 (160), 169-178, 2009
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Articles 1–20