jiuhong wu
jiuhong wu
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Anti-AIDS agents 54. A potent anti-HIV chalcone and flavonoids from genus Desmos
JH Wu, XH Wang, YH Yi, KH Lee
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 13 (10), 1813-1815, 2003
Antitumor agents. 211. Fluorinated 2-phenyl-4-quinolone derivatives as antimitotic antitumor agents
Y Xia, ZY Yang, P Xia, T Hackl, E Hamel, A Mauger, JH Wu, KH Lee
Journal of medicinal chemistry 44 (23), 3932-3936, 2001
Intercedensides A−C, Three New Cytotoxic Triterpene Glycosides from the Sea Cucumber Mensamaria intercedens Lampert
ZR Zou, YH Yi, HM Wu, JH Wu, CC Liaw, KH Lee
Journal of Natural Products 66 (8), 1055-1060, 2003
中国药物经济学评价指南 (2011 版)
刘国恩, 胡善联, 吴久鸿
中国药物经济学, 6-48, 2011
Evidence-based guideline for therapeutic drug monitoring of vancomycin: 2020 update by the division of therapeutic drug monitoring, Chinese pharmacological society
N He, S Su, Z Ye, G Du, B He, D Li, Y Liu, K Yang, X Zhang, Y Zhang, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 71 (Supplement_4), S363-S371, 2020
Anti-AIDS agents 49. Synthesis, anti-HIV, and anti-fusion activities of IC9564 analogues based on betulinic acid
IC Sun, CH Chen, Y Kashiwada, JH Wu, HK Wang, KH Lee
Journal of medicinal chemistry 45 (19), 4271-4275, 2002
Anti-AIDS agents. Part 57: Actein, an anti-HIV principle from the rhizome of Cimicifuga racemosa (black cohosh), and the anti-HIV activity of related saponins
N Sakurai, JH Wu, Y Sashida, Y Mimaki, T Nikaido, K Koike, H Itokawa, ...
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 14 (5), 1329-1332, 2004
母义明, 纪立农, 宁光, 李光伟, 单忠艳, 李焱, 孙子林, 李延兵, 赵家军, ...
中国糖尿病杂志 22 (8), 673-681, 2014
Current development and practice of pharmacoeconomic evaluation guidelines for universal health coverage in China
X Yue, Y Li, J Wu, JJ Guo
Value in health regional issues 24, 1-5, 2021
Intercedensides D−I, Cytotoxic Triterpene Glycosides from the Sea Cucumber Mensamaria intercedens Lampert
Z Zou, Y Yi, H Wu, X Yao, L Du, W Jiuhong, CC Liaw, KH Lee
Journal of natural products 68 (4), 540-546, 2005
Willingness to pay per quality-adjusted life year: is one threshold enough for decision-making?: results from a study in patients with chronic prostatitis
FL Zhao, M Yue, H Yang, T Wang, JH Wu, SC Li
Medical care 49 (3), 267-272, 2011
Antitumor agents. Part 218: Cappamensin A, a new in vitro anticancer principle, from Capparis sikkimensis
JH Wu, FR Chang, K Hayashi, H Shiraki, CC Liaw, Y Nakanishi, ...
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 13 (13), 2223-2225, 2003
Validation and comparison of EuroQol and short form 6D in chronic prostatitis patients
F Zhao, M Yue, H Yang, T Wang, J Wu, SC Li
Value in Health 13 (5), 649-656, 2010
Philinopsides A and B, Two New Sulfated Triterpene Glycosides from the Sea Cucumber Pentacta quadrangularis
YH Yi, QZ Xu, L Li, SL Zhang, HM Wu, J Ding, YG Tong, WF Tan, MH Li, ...
Helvetica Chimica Acta 89 (1), 54-63, 2006
Desmosdumotin C, a novel cytotoxic principle from Desmos dumosus
JH Wu, AT McPhail, KF Bastow, H Shiraki, J Ito, KH Lee
Tetrahedron letters 43 (8), 1391-1393, 2002
Stellettins L and M, Cytotoxic Isomalabaricane-Type Triterpenes, and Sterols from the Marine Sponge Stelletta tenuis
H Lin, Z Wang, J Wu, N Shi, H Zhang, W Chen, SL Morris-Natschke, ...
Journal of natural products 70 (7), 1114-1117, 2007
Recent pricing negotiations on innovative medicines pilot in China: experiences, implications, and suggestions
H Li, GG Liu, J Wu, JH Wu, CH Dong, SL Hu
Value in health regional issues 15, 133-137, 2018
Medication therapy of high‐dose methotrexate: An evidence‐based practice guideline of the Division of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Chinese Pharmacological Society
Z Song, Y Hu, S Liu, G Wang, S Zhai, X Zhang, Y Li, G Du, Y Shi, Y Chen, ...
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 88 (5), 2456-2472, 2022
吴久鸿, 李国雄
中草药, 1045-1049, 2002
Total synthesis and bioactivity of unique flavone desmosdumotin B and its analogs
K Nakagawa-Goto, KF Bastow, JH Wu, H Tokuda, KH Lee
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 15 (12), 3016-3019, 2005
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