Koray Tahiroğlu
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Cited by
A Survey and Thematic Analysis Approach as Input to the Design of Mobile Music GUIs
A Tanaka, A Parkinson, Z Settel, K Tahiroğlu
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical …, 2012
Idiomatic patterns and aesthetic influence in computer music languages
A McPherson, K Tahıroğlu
Organised Sound 25 (1), 53-63, 2020
Investigating tangential access for location-based digital cultural heritage applications
D McGookin, K Tahiroğlu, T Vaittinen, M Kytö, B Monastero, JC Vasquez
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 122, 196-210, 2019
Digital Musical Instruments as Probes: How computation changes the mode-of-being of musical instruments
K Tahiroğlu, T Magnusson, A Parkinson, I Garrelfs, A Tanaka
Organised Sound 25 (1), 64-74, 2020
Al-terity: Non-Rigid Musical Instrument with Artificial Intelligence Applied to Real-Time Audio Synthesis
K Tahiroglu, M Kastemaa, O Koli
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical …, 2020
Exploring Seasonality in Mobile Cultural Heritage
D McGookin, K Tahiroğlu, T Vaittinen, M Kytö, B Monastero, JC Vasquez
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2017
Idiomatic Composition Practices for New Musical Instruments: Context, Background and Current Applications
JC Vasquez, K Tahiroglu, J Kildal
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical …, 2017
AI-terity 2.0: An Autonomous NIME Featuring GANSpaceSynth Deep Learning Model
K Tahiroğlu, M Kastemaa, O Koli
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical …, 2021
Noisa: A novel intelligent system facilitating smart interaction
K Tahiroğlu, T Svedström, V Wikström
Proceedings of the 33rd annual acm conference extended abstracts on human …, 2015
Perceived physicality in audio-enhanced force input
CH Lai, M Niinimäki, K Tahiroglu, J Kildal, T Ahmaniemi
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on multimodal interfaces …, 2011
Ever-shifting roles in building, composing and performing with digital musical instruments
K Tahiroğlu
Journal of New Music Research 50 (2), 155-164, 2021
GANSpaceSynth: A Hybrid Generative Adversarial Network Architecture for Organising the Latent Space using a Dimensionality Reduction for Real-Time Audio Synthesis
K Tahiroğlu, M Kastemaa, O Koli
Proceedings of the 2nd Joint Conference on AI Music Creativity, 10,, 2021
Contextualising Idiomatic Gestures in Musical Interactions with NIMEs
K Tahiroglu, M Gurevich, RB Knapp
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical …, 2018
Musical Engagement that is Predicated on Intentional Activity of the Performer with NOISA Instruments
K Tahiroğlu, T Svedström, V Wikström
Proceedings of New Interfaces for Musical Expression, At Louisiana State …, 2015
PESI Extended System: In Space, On Body, with 3 Musicians.
K Tahiroglu, NN Correia, M Espada
NIME, 35-40, 2013
AHNE: a novel interface for spatial interaction
M Niinimäki, K Tahiroglu
CHI'12 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1031-1034, 2012
Design and evaluation of human-computer rhythmic interaction in a tutoring system
A Jylhä, I Ekman, C Erkut, K Tahiroğlu
Computer Music Journal 35 (2), 36-48, 2011
User experience and usage scenarios of audio-tactile interaction with virtual objects in a physical environment
K Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, K Suhonen, J Laaksonen, J Kildal, ...
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Designing Pleasurable …, 2013
Design and evaluation of rhythmic interaction with an interactive tutoring system
A Jylhä, I Ekman, C Erkut, K Tahiroglu, N Ravaja
Computer Music J 35 (2), 36-48, 2011
Marsui: malleable audio-reactive shape-retaining user interface
V Wikström, S Overstall, K Tahiroğlu, J Kildal, T Ahmaniemi
CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 3151-3154, 2013
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Articles 1–20