Francesco Taccogna
Francesco Taccogna
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The particle‐in‐cell method
D Tskhakaya, K Matyash, R Schneider, F Taccogna
Contributions to Plasma Physics 47 (8‐9), 563-594, 2007
Space micropropulsion systems for Cubesats and small satellites: From proximate targets to furthermost frontiers
I Levchenko, K Bazaka, Y Ding, Y Raitses, S Mazouffre, T Henning, ...
Applied Physics Reviews 5 (1), 2018
Perspectives, frontiers, and new horizons for plasma-based space electric propulsion
I Levchenko, S Xu, S Mazouffre, D Lev, D Pedrini, D Goebel, L Garrigues, ...
Physics of Plasmas 27 (2), 2020
Physics of E× B discharges relevant to plasma propulsion and similar technologies
ID Kaganovich, A Smolyakov, Y Raitses, E Ahedo, IG Mikellides, B Jorns, ...
Physics of Plasmas 27 (12), 2020
Particle in cell simulation of low temperature laboratory plasmas
K Matyash, R Schneider, F Taccogna, A Hatayama, S Longo, M Capitelli, ...
Contributions to Plasma Physics 47 (8‐9), 595-634, 2007
Laser ablation of graphite in water in a range of pressure from 1 to 146 atm using single and double pulse techniques for the production of carbon nanostructures
A De Giacomo, A De Bonis, M Dell’Aglio, O De Pascale, R Gaudiuso, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (12), 5123-5130, 2011
Experimental investigation and modelling of double pulse laser induced plasma spectroscopy under water
A Casavola, A De Giacomo, M Dell'Aglio, F Taccogna, G Colonna, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 60 (7-8), 975-985, 2005
Tables of Internal Partition Functions and Thermodynamic Properties of High-temperature Mars-atmosphere Species from 50 K to 50000K
G Colonna, D Giordano, L Marraffa, A Casavola, P Minelli, D Pagano, ...
European Space Agency, 2005
Latest progress in Hall thrusters plasma modelling
F Taccogna, L Garrigues
Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics 3 (1), 12, 2019
Kinetic simulations of a plasma thruster
F Taccogna, R Schneider, S Longo, M Capitelli
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 17 (2), 024003, 2008
Self-similarity in Hall plasma discharges: Applications to particle models
F Taccogna, S Longo, M Capitelli, R Schneider
Physics of Plasmas 12 (5), 2005
Plasma sheaths in Hall discharge
F Taccogna, S Longo, M Capitelli
Physics of Plasmas (1994-present) 12 (9), 093506, 2005
Plasma-surface interaction model with secondary electron emission effects
F Taccogna, S Longo, M Capitelli
Physics of Plasmas 11 (3), 1220-1228, 2004
2D radial-azimuthal particle-in-cell benchmark for E× B discharges
W Villafana, F Petronio, AC Denig, MJ Jimenez, D Eremin, L Garrigues, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 30 (7), 075002, 2021
Non-equilibrium in low-temperature plasmas
F Taccogna, G Dilecce
The European Physical Journal D 70, 1-37, 2016
Anomalous transport induced by sheath instability in Hall effect thrusters
F Taccogna, S Longo, M Capitelli, R Schneider
Applied Physics Letters 94 (25), 2009
Modeling of a negative ion source. III. Two-dimensional structure of the extraction region
F Taccogna, P Minelli, S Longo, M Capitelli, R Schneider
Physics of Plasmas 17 (6), 2010
On the road to ITER NBIs: SPIDER improvement after first operation and MITICA construction progress
V Toigo, D Marcuzzi, G Serianni, M Boldrin, G Chitarin, S Dal Bello, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 168, 112622, 2021
Three-dimensional particle-in-cell model of Hall thruster: The discharge channel
F Taccogna, P Minelli
Physics of Plasmas 25 (6), 2018
Plasma flow in a Hall thruster
F Taccogna, S Longo, M Capitelli, R Schneider
Physics of plasmas 12 (4), 2005
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Articles 1–20