Andrea Ancillao
Andrea Ancillao
DIMA, Sapienza Univ. di Roma, Roma, Italy
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Cited by
Indirect measurement of ground reaction forces and moments by means of wearable inertial sensors: A systematic review
A Ancillao, S Tedesco, J Barton, B O’Flynn
Sensors 18 (8), 2564, 2018
Accuracy of consumer-level and research-grade activity trackers in ambulatory settings in older adults
S Tedesco, M Sica, A Ancillao, S Timmons, J Barton, B O’Flynn
PloS one 14 (5), e0216891, 2019
Validity evaluation of the Fitbit Charge2 and the Garmin vivosmart HR+ in free-living environments in an older adult cohort
S Tedesco, M Sica, A Ancillao, S Timmons, J Barton, B O'Flynn
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 7 (6), e13084, 2019
Robot-assisted walking training for individuals with Parkinson’s disease: a pilot randomized controlled trial
P Sale, MF De Pandis, D Le Pera, I Sova, V Cimolin, A Ancillao, ...
BMC neurology 13, 1-7, 2013
Neuromuscular taping for the upper limb in cerebral palsy: a case study in a patient with hemiplegia
F Camerota, M Galli, V Cimolin, C Celletti, A Ancillao, D Blow, G Albertini
Developmental neurorehabilitation 17 (6), 384-387, 2014
Three dimensional motion capture applied to violin playing: A study on feasibility and characterization of the motor strategy
A Ancillao, B Savastano, M Galli, G Albertini
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 149, 19-27, 2017
The effects of neuromuscular taping on gait walking strategy in a patient with joint hypermobility syndrome/Ehlers–Danlos syndrome hypermobility type
F Camerota, M Galli, V Cimolin, C Celletti, A Ancillao, D Blow, G Albertini
Therapeutic advances in musculoskeletal disease 7 (1), 3-10, 2015
Clumsiness in fine motor tasks: evidence from the quantitative drawing evaluation of children with D own S yndrome
SL Vimercati, M Galli, G Stella, G Caiazzo, A Ancillao, G Albertini
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 59 (3), 248-256, 2015
Effect of the soft tissue artifact on marker measurements and on the calculation of the helical axis of the knee during a gait cycle: A study on the CAMS-Knee data set
A Ancillao, E Aertbeliën, J De Schutter
Human Movement Science 80, 102866, 2021
Modern functional evaluation methods for muscle strength and gait analysis
A Ancillao
Springer International Publishing, 2018
Motor strategies and motor programs during an arm tapping task in adults with Down Syndrome
SL Vimercati, M Galli, C Rigoldi, A Ancillao, G Albertini
Experimental brain research 225, 333-338, 2013
Analysis of gait patterns pre-and post-single event multilevel surgery in children with cerebral palsy by means of offset-wise movement analysis profile and linear fit method
A Ancillao, MM van der Krogt, AI Buizer, MM Witbreuk, P Cappa, J Harlaar
Human movement science 55, 145-155, 2017
Linear correlation between fractal dimension of surface EMG signal from Rectus Femoris and height of vertical jump
A Ancillao, M Galli, C Rigoldi, G Albertini
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 66, 120-126, 2014
An optoelectronic based approach for handwriting capture
A Ancillao, M Galli, SL Vimercati, G Albertini
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 111 (2), 357-365, 2013
Stereophotogrammetry in functional evaluation: history and modern protocols
A Ancillao, A Ancillao
Modern functional evaluation methods for muscle strength and gait analysis, 1-29, 2018
Analysis of knee strength measurements performed by a hand-held multicomponent dynamometer and optoelectronic system
A Ancillao, S Rossi, P Cappa
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 66 (1), 85-92, 2016
Quantitative assessment of drawing tests in children with dyslexia and dysgraphia
M Galli, V Cimolin, G Stella, MF De Pandis, A Ancillao, C Condoluci
Human movement science 65, 51-59, 2019
Feedback reliance during an arm-tapping task with obstacle avoidance in adults with Down syndrome
SL Vimercati, M Galli, C Rigoldi, A Ancillao, G Albertini
Experimental brain research 226 (4), 631-638, 2013
The helical axis of anatomical joints: calculation methods, literature review, and software implementation
A Ancillao
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 60 (7), 1815-1825, 2022
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment improves gait pattern and posture in adult patients with Prader–Willi syndrome
L Vismara, V Cimolin, M Galli, G Grugni, A Ancillao, P Capodaglio
International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine 19, 35-43, 2016
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Articles 1–20