Mohamed El Amine Ben Seghier
Mohamed El Amine Ben Seghier
Oslo Metropolitan University; MSCA Fellow || AvH Fellow || RGC-Awardee || 4TU-RE Fellow.
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Prediction of maximum pitting corrosion depth in oil and gas pipelines
MEAB Seghier, B Keshtegar, KF Tee, T Zayed, R Abbassi, NT Trung
Engineering Failure Analysis 112, 104505, 2020
Investigation of performance metrics in regression analysis and machine learning-based prediction models
V Plevris, G Solorzano, NP Bakas, MEA Ben Seghier
Scipedia SL, 2022
Advanced intelligence frameworks for predicting maximum pitting corrosion depth in oil and gas pipelines
MEAB Seghier, B Keshtegar, M Taleb-Berrouane, R Abbassi, NT Trung
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 147, 818-833, 2021
A comprehensive review of corrosion protection and control techniques for metallic pipelines
HMH Farh, MEAB Seghier, T Zayed
Engineering Failure Analysis 143, 106885, 2023
Modified response surface method basis harmony search to predict the burst pressure of corroded pipelines
B Keshtegar, MAB Seghier
Engineering Failure Analysis 89, 177-199, 2018
Prediction of the internal corrosion rate for oil and gas pipeline: Implementation of ensemble learning techniques
MEAB Seghier, D Höche, M Zheludkevich
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 99, 104425, 2022
Hybrid and enhanced PSO: Novel first order reliability method-based hybrid intelligent approaches
SP Zhu, B Keshtegar, MEAB Seghier, E Zio, O Taylan
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 393, 114730, 2022
Reliability analysis of low, mid and high-grade strength corroded pipes based on plastic flow theory using adaptive nonlinear conjugate map
MEAB Seghier, B Keshtegar, B Elahmoune
Engineering Failure Analysis 90, 245-261, 2018
Reliability analysis based on hybrid algorithm of M5 model tree and Monte Carlo simulation for corroded pipelines: Case of study X60 Steel grade pipes
MAB Seghier, B Keshtegar, JAFO Correia, G Lesiuk, AMP De Jesus
Engineering Failure Analysis 97, 793-803, 2019
A hybrid sufficient performance measure approach to improve robustness and efficiency of reliability-based design optimization
B Keshtegar, D Meng, MEA Ben Seghier, M Xiao, NT Trung, DT Bui
Engineering with Computers 37, 1695-1708, 2021
A hybrid model for predicting the axial compression capacity of square concrete-filled steel tubular columns
SH Mai, MEA Ben Seghier, PL Nguyen, J Jafari-Asl, DK Thai
Engineering with Computers 38 (2), 1205-1222, 2022
Efficient method using Whale Optimization Algorithm for reliability-based design optimization of labyrinth spillway
J Jafari-Asl, MEAB Seghier, S Ohadi, P van Gelder
Applied Soft Computing 101, 107036, 2021
Modeling viscosity of CO2 at high temperature and pressure conditions
MN Amar, MA Ghriga, H Ouaer, MEAB Seghier, BT Pham, PØ Andersen
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 77, 103271, 2020
On the modeling of the annual corrosion rate in main cables of suspension bridges using combined soft computing model and a novel nature-inspired algorithm
MEA Ben Seghier, JAFO Corriea, J Jafari-Asl, A Malekjafarian, V Plevris, ...
Neural Computing and Applications 33 (23), 15969-15985, 2021
Probabilistic investigation on the reliability assessment of mid-and high-strength pipelines under corrosion and fracture conditions
A Guillal, MEAB Seghier, A Nourddine, JAFO Correia, ZB Mustaffa, ...
Engineering Failure Analysis 118, 104891, 2020
Reliability analysis of corroded pipelines: Novel adaptive conjugate first order reliability method
B Keshtegar, MEAB Seghier, SP Zhu, R Abbassi, NT Trung
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 62, 103986, 2019
Novel efficient method for structural reliability analysis using hybrid nonlinear conjugate map-based support vector regression
B Keshtegar, MEAB Seghier, E Zio, JAFO Correia, SP Zhu, NT Trung
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 381, 113818, 2021
Hybrid intelligent method for fuzzy reliability analysis of corroded X100 steel pipelines
M Bagheri, SP Zhu, MEA Ben Seghier, B Keshtegar, NT Trung
Engineering with computers 37, 2559-2573, 2021
Novel hybridized adaptive neuro‐fuzzy inference system models based particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithms for accurate prediction of stress intensity factor
MEA Ben Seghier, H Carvalho, B Keshtegar, JAFO Correia, F Berto
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 43 (11), 2653-2667, 2020
Reliability assessment of subsea pipelines under the effect of spanning load and corrosion degradation
MEAB Seghier, Z Mustaffa, T Zayed
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 102, 104569, 2022
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Articles 1–20