Anita Dille
Anita Dille
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Potential corn yield losses from weeds in North America
N Soltani, JA Dille, IC Burke, WJ Everman, MJ VanGessel, VM Davis, ...
Weed Technology 30 (4), 979-984, 2016
Cover crop for early season weed suppression in crops: Systematic review and meta‐analysis
OA Osipitan, JA Dille, Y Assefa, SZ Knezevic
Agronomy Journal 110 (6), 2211-2221, 2018
Impact of cover crop management on level of weed suppression: a meta‐analysis
OA Osipitan, JA Dille, Y Assefa, E Radicetti, A Ayeni, SZ Knezevic
Crop Science 59 (3), 833-842, 2019
Can cover or forage crops replace fallow in the semiarid central Great Plains?
JD Holman, K Arnet, J Dille, S Maxwell, A Obour, T Roberts, ...
Crop Science 58 (2), 932-944, 2018
Soil microbial and nematode communities as affected by glyphosate and tillage practices in a glyphosate-resistant cropping system
KB Liphadzi, K Al-Khatib, CN Bensch, PW Stahlman, JA Dille, T Todd, ...
Weed Science 53 (4), 536-545, 2005
Perspectives on potential soybean yield losses from weeds in North America
N Soltani, JA Dille, IC Burke, WJ Everman, MJ VanGessel, VM Davis, ...
Weed Technology 31 (1), 148-154, 2017
Field‐evolved resistance to four modes of action of herbicides in a single kochia (Kochia scoparia L. Schrad.) population
VK Varanasi, AS Godar, RS Currie, AJ Dille, CR Thompson, PW Stahlman, ...
Pest Management Science 71 (9), 1207-1212, 2015
How good is your weed map? A comparison of spatial interpolators
JA Dille, M Milner, JJ Groeteke, DA Mortensen, MM Williams II
Weed science 51 (1), 44-55, 2003
Integrating cover crops for weed management in the semiarid US Great Plains: opportunities and challenges
V Kumar, A Obour, P Jha, R Liu, MR Manuchehri, JA Dille, J Holman, ...
Weed Science 68 (4), 311-323, 2020
WeedSOFT®: a weed management decision support system
C Neeser, JA Dille, G Krishnan, DA Mortensen, JT Rawlinson, AR Martin, ...
Weed Science 52 (1), 115-122, 2004
Potential yield loss in dry bean crops due to weeds in the United States and Canada
N Soltani, JA Dille, RH Gulden, CL Sprague, RK Zollinger, DW Morishita, ...
Weed Technology 32 (3), 342-346, 2018
Predominance of Metabolic Resistance in a Six-Way-Resistant Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Population
C Shyam, EA Borgato, DE Peterson, JA Dille, M Jugulam
Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 614618, 2021
Kochia (Kochia scoparia) Emergence Profiles and Seed Persistence across the Central Great Plains
JA Dille, PW Stahlman, J Du, PW Geier, JD Riffel, RS Currie, RG Wilson, ...
Weed Science 65 (5), 614-625, 2017
Potential wheat yield loss due to weeds in the United States and Canada
ML Flessner, IC Burke, JA Dille, WJ Everman, MJ VanGessel, B Tidemann, ...
Weed Technology 35 (6), 916-923, 2021
Glyphosate-resistant kochia (Kochia scoparia) in Kansas: EPSPS gene copy number in relation to resistance levels
AS Godar, PW Stahlman, M Jugulam, JA Dille
Weed Science 63 (3), 587-595, 2015
Soil pH and cation exchange capacity affects sunflower tolerance to sulfentrazone
GW Kerr, PW Stahlman, JA Dille
Weed Technology 18 (2), 243-247, 2004
Common sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and shattercane (Sorghum bicolor) interference in corn
SR Deines, JA Dille, EL Blinka, DL Regehr, SA Staggenborg
Weed Science 52 (6), 976-983, 2004
Fitness Outcomes Related to Glyphosate Resistance in Kochia (Kochia scoparia): What Life History Stage to Examine?
OA Osipitan, JA Dille
Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 1090, 2017
Seed burial physical environment explains departures from regional hydrothermal model of giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) seedling emergence in US Midwest
AS Davis, S Clay, J Cardina, A Dille, F Forcella, J Lindquist, C Sprague
Weed science 61 (3), 415-421, 2013
An economic evaluation of site-specific herbicide application
TW Rider, JW Vogel, JA Dille, KC Dhuyvetter, TL Kastens
Precision Agriculture 7, 379-392, 2006
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