S. B. Suryo Buwono
Cited by
Cited by
Academic dishonesty in Indonesian college students: An investigation from a moral psychology perspective
S Ampuni, N Kautsari, M Maharani, S Kuswardani, SBS Buwono
Journal of Academic Ethics 18 (4), 395-417, 2020
Pengembangan dan identifikasi properti psikometris kuesioner intensi prososial berbasis skenario untuk anak dan remaja
S Ampuni, SBS Buwono
Jurnal Psikologi Sosial 20 (2), 149-167, 2022
Academic dishonesty in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of gender, moral self-concept, and academic self-efficacy
IN Intishar, S Ampuni, SBS Buwono
Jurnal Psikologi 51 (2), 121-140, 2024
Associating anthropogenic disaster with existential terror alters cooperation in social dilemmas
SBS Buwono, B Patria
The 15th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, 2023
Generative concern memprediksi intensi pro-lingkungan melalui environmental guilt, ketika mortality salience berinteraksi dengan permasalahan antropogenik: Studi eksperimen …
SBS Buwono
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2023
Scenario-based prosocial intention questionnaire (SBPIQ)
S Ampuni, SBS Buwono
ID Patent EC00,202,267,527, 2022
To pick up where she/he left off: Resiliency in emerging adults after parental death from COVID-19
SBS Buwono, SR Kumalasari, YP Admadeli
The 9th Global Social Sciences Graduate Student E-Conference, 2022
The effect of religion-based identity salience on adolescents’ prosocial intentions toward members of religion-based ingroup and outgroup
S Ampuni, SBS Buwono, FA Azzahra
The 14th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, 2021
The effect of moral-themed story on children’s prosocial intentions: The moderating role of gender
SBS Buwono, S Ampuni
The 14th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, 2021
Scenario-based prosocial intention questionnaire: A measurement tool of children and adolescent prosocial intention
S Ampuni, SBS Buwono
The 14th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, 2021
Perilaku prososial
S Ampuni, SBS Buwono
ID Patent EC00,202,061,316, 2020
Stimulasi intensi prososial melalui cerita bertema moral: Studi eksperimen-kuasi
SBS Buwono
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2018
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Articles 1–12