Jurgen Brune
Cited by
Cited by
Explosion pressure design criteria for new seals in US coal mines
RK Zipf, MJ Sapko, JF Brune
Pittsburgh, PA, US Dept. HHS, NIOSH IC 9500, 76, 2007
Computational fluid dynamics study on the ventilation flow paths in longwall gobs
L Yuan, AC Smith, JF Brune
A 2D CFD model investigation of the impact of obstacles and turbulence model on methane flame propagation
T Nguyen, C Strebinger, GE Bogin Jr, J Brune
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 146, 95-107, 2021
Underground coal mine disasters 1900-2010: events, responses, and a look to the future
MJ Brnich, KM Kowalski-Trakofler, J Brune
Extracting the science: a century of mining research, 363, 2010
Discrete modeling of a longwall coal mine gob for CFD simulation
A Juganda, C Strebinger, JF Brune, GE Bogin
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 30 (4), 463-469, 2020
Prevention of gob ignitions and explosions in longwall mining using dynamic seals
JF Brune, SA Saki
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 27 (6), 999-1003, 2017
The Methane-Air Explosion Hazard Within Coal Mine Gobs, SME Transactions
JF Brune
Transactions, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration 334, 376-390, 2013
Dynamic Gob Response and Reservoir Properties for Active Longwall Coal Mines
JA Marts, RC Gilmore, JF Brune, GE Bogin Jr., JW Grubb, SA and Saki
Transactions, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration 336, 129-136, 2014
Computational fluid dynamics simulation on the longwall gob breathing
SA Lolon, JF Brune, GE Bogin Jr, JW Grubb, SA Saki, A Juganda
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 27 (2), 185-189, 2017
Virtual environments for surface mining powered haulage training
RP McMahan, S Schafrik, DA Bowman, M Karmis, J Brune
Proceedings of SME Symposium Celebrating 100, 520-528, 2010
Experimental and numerical investigation of methane ignition and flame propagation in cylindrical tubes ranging from 5 to 71 cm–part I: effects of scaling from laboratory to …
MK Fig, GE Bogin Jr, JF Brune, JW Grubb
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 41, 241-251, 2016
Extracting the Science: a century of mining research
JF Brune
SME, 2010
Coal mine communications
WH Schiffbauer, JF Brune
Real-time methane prediction in underground longwall coal mining using AI
DC Demirkan, HS Duzgun, A Juganda, J Brune, G Bogin
Energies 15 (17), 6486, 2022
Optimization of gob ventilation boreholes design in longwall mining
SA Saki, JF Brune, MU Khan
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 30 (6), 811-817, 2020
Lessons learned from research about methane explosive gas zones in coal mine gobs
JF Brune, JW Grubb, GE Bogin, JA Marts, RC Gilmore, SA Saki
International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering 7 (2), 155-169, 2016
Study of methane outgassing and mitigation in longwall coal mines
SA Lolon, JF Brune, GE Bogin Jr, A Juganda
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration 37 (5), 1437-1449, 2020
Simplifying CFD Modeling of Longwall Gobs with a Modular Meshing Approach
RC Gilmore, JA Marts, JF Brune, S Saki, GE Bogin Jr., JW Grubb
Transactions, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, 34-38, 2015
CFD Modeling Explosion Hazards - Bleeder vs. Progressively Sealed Gobs
RC Gilmore, JA Marts, JF Brune, S SA
10th International Mine Ventilation Congress, Sun City, South Africa, 47-53, 2013
A modeling study on longwall tailgate ventilation
J Brune, M Sapko
Proceedings of the 14th Annual North American Ventilation Conference, 121-126, 2012
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Articles 1–20