Javad Zamani
Javad Zamani
Student at NIGEB
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Cited by
Designing a multi-epitope vaccine to provoke the robust immune response against influenza A H7N9
S Tarrahimofrad, H., Rahimnahal, S., Zamani, J., Jahangirian, E. and Aminzadeh
Scientific Reports, 2021
In silico design and validation of a novel multi-epitope vaccine candidate against structural proteins of Chikungunya virus using comprehensive immunoinformatics …
S Mahmoodi, JZ Amirzakaria, A Ghasemian
Plos one 18 (5), e0285177, 2023
Synergistic effects of dendrosomal nanocurcumin and oxaliplatin on oncogenic properties of ovarian cancer cell lines by down-expression of MMPs
E Seyed Hosseini, M Alizadeh Zarei, H Tarrahimofrad, J Zamani, ...
Biological Research 56 (1), 1-17, 2023
Biochemical and molecular characterization of novel keratinolytic protease from Bacillus licheniformis (KRLr1)
S Rahimnahal, A Meimandipour, J Fayyazi, A Asghar Karkhane, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 14, 1412, 2023
Expression, characterization, and activity optimization of a novel cellulase from the thermophilic bacteria Cohnella sp. A01
S Mohammadi, H Tarrahimofrad, S Arjmand, J Zamani Amirzakaria, ...
Scientific Reports, 2022
Structural and biochemical characterization of a novel thermophilic Coh01147 protease
H Tarrahimofrad, A Meimandipour, S Arjmand, M Beigi Nassiri, ...
PLoS One 15 (6), e0234958, 2020
A designed peptide-based vaccine to combat Brucella melitensis, B. suis and B. abortus: Harnessing an epitope mapping and immunoinformatics approach
H Tarrahimofrad, J Zamani, MR Hamblin, M Darvish, H Mirzaei
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 155, 113557, 2022
A computational approach to design a multiepitope vaccine against H5N1 virus
F Dashti, A Raisi, G Pourali, ZS Razavi, F Ravaei, J Sadri Nahand, ...
Virology Journal 21 (1), 67, 2024
Immobilization of modular peptides on graphene cocktail for differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells to hepatic-like cells
B Adibi-Motlagh, E Hashemi, O Akhavan, J Khezri, A Rezaei, JZA Zakria, ...
Frontiers in Chemistry 10, 2022
In silico design and immunoinformatics analysis of a chimeric vaccine construct based on Salmonella pathogenesis factors
MHJN Abadi, FA Abyaneh, N Zare, J Zamani, A Abdoli, F Aslanbeigi, ...
Microbial Pathogenesis, 106130, 2023
In silico prediction of enzymatic reactions catalyzed by acid phosphatases
J Zamani, MA Malboobi, SA Marashi, T Lohrasebi
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 2020
Depinar, a drug that potentially inhibits the binding and entry of COVID-19 into host cells based on computer-aided studies
M Yazdani, J Khezri, N Hadizadeh, JZA Zakaria, M Naderi, ...
Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 16 (3), 315-325, 2021
Investigating the inhibitory and penetrating properties of three novel anticancer and antimicrobial scorpion peptides via molecular docking and molecular dynamic simulation
E Jahangirian, J Zargan, H Rabbani, J Zamani
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 1-32, 2023
The effects of a truncated form of Staphylococcus aureus protein A (SpA) on the expression of cytokines of autoimmune patients and healthy individuals
G Rigi, G Kardar, A Hajizade, J Zamani, G Ahmadian
Identification of a potent dual-function inhibitor for hIMPDH isoforms by computer-aided drug discovery approaches
M Yazdani, J Zamani, SSA Fatemi
Frontiers in Pharmacology 13, 2022
Structure and activity of a novel robust peroxidase from Alkanna frigida cell culture
S Soleimani Asl, AA Karkhaneh, J Zamani Amirzakaria, K Akbari Noghabi, ...
Phytochemistry 194, 2021
Introducing a potential lead structure for the synthesis of more specific inhibitors of tyrosinases and catechol oxidases
F Haghbeen, G Nargess, G Hajatpour, J Zamani Amirzakaria, H Eshgi, ...
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 18 (10), 2021
New Insight into the Interactions of Arbutin with Mushroom Tyrosinase
N Soltani Ghofrani, M Sheikhi, J Zamani Amirzakaria, S Hassani, ...
The Protein Journal, 2021
Acid Phosphatases Roles in Plant Performance
MA Malboobi, MS Sabet, K Zamani, T Lohrasebi, Z Fathi, J Zamani
Agricultural Biocatalysis, 117-157, 2022
Unveiling the structure-emulsifying function relationship of truncated recombinant forms of the SA01-OmpA protein opens up a new vista in bioemulsifiers
N Mohseni Sani, M Talaee, A Akbari, F Ashoori, J Zamani, AA Kermani, ...
Microbiology Spectrum 12 (2), e03465-23, 2024
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Articles 1–20