Danielle Endres
Cited by
Cited by
Location matters: The rhetoric of place in protest
D Endres, S Senda-Cook
Quarterly Journal of Speech 97 (3), 257-282, 2011
Participatory critical rhetoric: Theoretical and methodological foundations for studying rhetoric in situ
M Middleton, A Hess, D Endres, S Senda-Cook
Lexington Books, 2015
Articulating rhetorical field methods: Challenges and tensions
MK Middleton, S Senda-Cook, D Endres
Western Journal of Communication 75 (4), 386-406, 2011
The rhetoric of nuclear colonialism: Rhetorical exclusion of American Indian arguments in the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste siting decision
D Endres
Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 6 (1), 39-60, 2009
“I am also in the position to use my whiteness to help them out”: The communication of whiteness in service learning
D Endres, M Gould
Western Journal of Communication 73 (4), 418-436, 2009
Sacred land or national sacrifice zone: The role of values in the Yucca Mountain participation process
D Endres
Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture 6 (3), 328-345, 2012
Effects of campaign-to-user and text-based interactivity in political candidate campaign web sites
B Warnick, M Xenos, D Endres, J Gastil
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 10 (3), JCMC10315, 2005
Science and public participation: An analysis of public scientific argument in the Yucca Mountain controversy
D Endres
Environmental Communication 3 (1), 49-75, 2009
From wasteland to waste site: the role of discourse in nuclear power's environmental injustices
D Endres
Local Environment 14 (10), 917-937, 2009
In Situ Rhetoric: Intersections Between Qualitative Inquiry, Fieldwork, and Rhetoric
D Endres, A Hess, S Senda-Cook, MK Middleton
Cultural Studies? Critical Methodologies 16 (6), 511-524, 2016
Text‐based interactivity in candidate campaign web sites: A case study from the 2002 elections
D Endres, B Warnick
Western Journal of Communication (includes Communication Reports) 68 (3 …, 2004
Social movement to address climate change: Local steps for global action
D Endres, LM Sprain, TR Peterson
Cambria Press, 2009
Field rhetoric: Ethnography, ecology, and engagement in the places of persuasion
M Shelley, S Senda-Cook, EY Polush, S Pigg, C Petersen, MK Middleton, ...
The University of Alabama Press, 2018
Communicating energy in a climate (of) crisis
DE Endres, B Cozen, J Trey Barnett, M O’Byrne, T Rai Peterson
Annals of the International Communication Association 40 (1), 419-447, 2016
Rhetorical critic (ism)'s body: Affect and fieldwork on a plane of immanence
GF McHendry Jr, MK Middleton, D Endres, S Senda-Cook, M O'Byrne
Southern Communication Journal 79 (4), 293-310, 2014
Energy communication: Theory and praxis towards a sustainable energy future
B Cozen, D Endres, TR Peterson, C Horton, JT Barnett
Environmental Communication 12 (3), 289-294, 2018
A research agenda for energy democracy
AM Feldpausch-Parker, D Endres, TR Peterson
Frontiers in Communication 4, 53, 2019
Not Just a Place to Park your Car: PARK(ing) as a Spatial Argument
BC Danielle Endres, Samantha Senda-Cook
Argumentation and Advocacy 50, 121-140, 2014
Environmental oral history
D Endres
Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture 5 (4), 485-498, 2011
Animist intersubjectivity as argumentation: Western Shoshone and Southern Paiute arguments against a nuclear waste site at Yucca Mountain
D Endres
Argumentation 27, 183-200, 2013
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Articles 1–20