Chaofa Zhao
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Cited by
Effects of surface roughness on liquid bridge capillarity and droplet wetting
HNG Nguyen, CF Zhao, O Millet, APS Selvadurai
Powder Technology 378, 487-496, 2020
Evolution of fabric anisotropy of granular soils: x-ray tomography measurements and theoretical modelling
CF Zhao, G Pinzon, M Wiebicke, E Andò, NP Kruyt, G Viggiani
Computers and Geotechnics 133, 104046, 2020
Undrained shear and stiffness degradation of intact marine clay under monotonic and cyclic loading
K Pan, ZH Yuan, CF Zhao, JH Tong, ZX Yang
Engineering Geology 297, 106502, 2022
An evolution law for fabric anisotropy and its application in micromechanical modelling of granular materials
CF Zhao, NP Kruyt
International Journal of Solids and Structures 196, 53-66, 2020
Modelling the engineering behaviour of fibrous peat formed due to rapid anthropogenic terrestrialization in Hangzhou, China
ZX Yang, CF Zhao, CJ Xu, SP Wilkinson, YQ Cai, K Pan
Engineering Geology 215, 25-35, 2016
An original method for measuring liquid surface tension from capillary bridges between two equal-sized spherical particles
HNG Nguyen, CF Zhao, O Millet, G Gagneux
Powder Technology 363, 349-359, 2019
Thermomechanical formulation for micromechanical elasto-plasticity in granular materials
CF Zhao, ZY Yin, A Misra, PY Hicher
International Journal of Solids and Structures 138, 64-75, 2018
Integrating a micromechanical model for multiscale analyses
CF Zhao, ZY Yin, PY Hicher
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 114 (2), 105-127, 2018
Capillary bridges between spherical particles under suction control: Rupture distances and capillary forces
CF Zhao, NP Kruyt, O Millet
Powder Technology 360, 622-634, 2019
Capillary bridges between unequal-sized spherical particles: Rupture distances and capillary forces
CF Zhao, NP Kruyt, O Millet
Powder Technology 346, 462-476, 2019
Multiscale modeling of unsaturated granular materials based on thermodynamic principles
CF Zhao, Y Salami, PY Hicher, ZY Yin
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 31, 341-359, 2019
Capillary bridge force between non-perfectly wettable spherical particles: An analytical theory for the pendular regime
CF Zhao, NP Kruyt, O Millet
Powder Technology 339, 827-837, 2018
A multiscale approach for investigating the effect of microstructural instability on global failure in granular materials
CF Zhao, ZY Yin, PY Hicher
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2018
Theoretical and experimental study of capillary bridges between two parallel planes
HNG Nguyen, O Millet, CF Zhao, G Gagneux
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2019
Fabric response to stress probing in granular materials: Two-dimensional, anisotropic systems
C Zhao, NP Kruyt, M Pouragha, R Wan
Computers and Geotechnics 146, 104695, 2022
Determination of geometrical parameters of the microstructure of a porous medium: Application to cementitious materials
MK Bourbatache, F Bennai, CF Zhao, O Millet, A Aït-Mokhtar
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 117, 104786, 2020
A micromechanical model for unsaturated soils based on thermodynamics
CF Zhao, Y Salami, ZY Yin, PY Hicher
Poromechanics VI, 594-601, 2017
Rupture distances and capillary forces of liquid bridges: Closed-form expressions and ANNs-trained prediction models
A Argilaga, C Zhao
Powder Technology 427, 118702, 2023
Particle and continuum rotations of granular materials: Discrete Element Method simulations and experiment
CF Zhao, NP Kruyt
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2021
Modeling the swelling behavior of clayey geomaterials across scales: Advances and challenges
H Mhamdi Alaoui, C Zhao, W Niu, PY Hicher
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2024
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Articles 1–20