Articles with public access mandates - amtul warisLearn more
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Effect of different cooking methods on loss of iron and zinc micronutrients in fortified and non-fortified rice
MM Azam, S Padmavathi, RA Fiyaz, A Waris, KT Ramya, CN Neeraja
Saudi journal of biological sciences 28 (5), 2886-2894, 2021
Mandates: Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Two-stage spatiotemporal time series modelling approach for rice yield prediction & advanced agroecosystem management
S Rathod, A Saha, R Patil, G Ondrasek, C Gireesh, MS Anantha, ...
Agronomy 11 (12), 2502, 2021
Mandates: Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Glycemic index of selected Indian Rice varieties
MM Azam, A Jahan, KU Maheshwari, T Ram, A Waris
International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry 21 (24), 137-146, 2020
Mandates: Indian Council of Agricultural Research
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