LaShara A. Davis
LaShara A. Davis
Scientist, Houston Methodist Hospital
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Cited by
Utilization of internet technology by low-income adults: the role of health literacy, health numeracy, and computer assistance
JD Jensen, AJ King, LSA Davis, LM Guntzviller
Journal of aging and health 22 (6), 804-826, 2010
Self-efficacy, health literacy, and nutrition and exercise behaviors in a low-income, Hispanic population
LM Guntzviller, AJ King, JD Jensen, LSA Davis
Journal of immigrant and minority health 19, 489-493, 2017
Why are tailored messages more effective? A multiple mediation analysis of a breast cancer screening intervention
JD Jensen, AJ King, N Carcioppolo, LS Davis
Journal of Communication 62 (5), 851-868, 2012
Entertainment (mis) education: The framing of organ donation in entertainment television
SE Morgan, TR Harrison, L Chewning, LS Davis, M DiCorcia
Health communication 22 (2), 143-151, 2007
Including limitations in news coverage of cancer research: Effects of news hedging on fatalism, medical skepticism, patient trust, and backlash
JD Jensen, N Carcioppolo, AJ King, JK Bernat, LS Davis, R Yale, J Smith
Journal of health communication 16 (5), 486-503, 2011
Patient–provider communication and low-income adults: Age, race, literacy, and optimism predict communication satisfaction
JD Jensen, AJ King, LM Guntzviller, LSA Davis
Patient Education and Counseling 79 (1), 30-35, 2010
Dispositional cancer worry: convergent, divergent, and predictive validity of existing scales
JD Jensen, JK Bernat, LSA Davis, R Yale
Journal of psychosocial oncology 28 (5), 470-489, 2010
Applying best practices to designing patient education for patients with end-stage renal disease pursuing kidney transplant
SL Skelton, AD Waterman, LSA Davis, JD Peipert, AF Fish
Progress in Transplantation 25 (1), 77-90, 2015
Your path to transplant: a randomized controlled trial of a tailored computer education intervention to increase living donor kidney transplant
AD Waterman, ML Robbins, AL Paiva, JD Peipert, CS Kynard-Amerson, ...
BMC nephrology 15, 1-14, 2014
Measuring kidney patients’ motivation to pursue living donor kidney transplant: development of stage of change, decisional balance and self-efficacy measures
AD Waterman, ML Robbins, AL Paiva, JD Peipert, LSA Davis, SS Hyland, ...
Journal of Health Psychology 20 (2), 210-221, 2015
Perceived visual informativeness (PVI): Construct and scale development to assess visual information in printed materials
AJ King, JD Jensen, LSA Davis, N Carcioppolo
Journal of health communication 19 (10), 1099-1115, 2014
Revisiting the worksite in worksite health campaigns: Evidence from a multisite organ donation campaign
TR Harrison, SE Morgan, LV Chewning, EA Williams, JB Barbour, ...
Journal of Communication 61 (3), 535-555, 2011
Inter-and intrapersonal barriers to living donor kidney transplant among black recipients and donors
LSA Davis, TM Grogan, J Cox, FL Weng
Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities 4, 671-679, 2017
The utility of the memorable messages framework as an intermediary evaluation tool for fruit and vegetable consumption in a nutrition education program
LSA Davis, SE Morgan, AR Mobley
Health Education & Behavior 43 (3), 321-327, 2016
The Foreign Language Anxiety in a Medical Office Scale: Developing and validating a measurement tool for Spanish-speaking individuals
LM Guntzviller, JD Jensen, AJ King, LSA Davis
Journal of health communication 16 (8), 849-869, 2011
The effectiveness of high-and low-intensity worksite campaigns to promote organ donation: The Workplace Partnership for Life
SE Morgan, TR Harrison, LV Chewning, MJ DiCorcia, LSA Davis
Communication Monographs 77 (3), 341-356, 2010
Lung transplant or bust: Patients' recommendations for ideal lung transplant education
LSA Davis, E Ryszkiewicz, E Schenk, J Peipert, C LaSee, C Miller, ...
Progress in Transplantation 24 (2), 132-141, 2014
The Workplace Partnership for Life: The effectiveness of high-and low-intensity worksite campaigns to promote organ donation
SE Morgan, TR Harrison, LV Chewning, M DiCorcia, L Davis
National Communication Association Annual Meeting, 15-18, 2007
Living kidney donation stories and advice shared through a digital storytelling library: a qualitative thematic analysis
LS Davis, YA Iraheta, EW Ho, AL Murillo, A Feinsinger, AD Waterman
Kidney Medicine 4 (7), 100486, 2022
Characteristics and evaluation of geographically distant vs geographically nearby living kidney donors
FL Weng, DC Lee, N Dhillon, KN Tibaldi, LA Davis, AM Patel, ...
Transplantation proceedings 48 (6), 1934-1939, 2016
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