Peter Singleton
Peter Singleton
USDA Forest Service, PNW Research Station
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Restoring fire-prone Inland Pacific landscapes: seven core principles
PF Hessburg, DJ Churchill, AJ Larson, RD Haugo, C Miller, TA Spies, ...
Landscape Ecology 30, 1805-1835, 2015
Landscape permeability for large carnivores in Washington: a geographic information system weighted-distance and least-cost corridor assessment
PH Singleton
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 2002
Tamm Review: Management of mixed-severity fire regime forests in Oregon, Washington, and Northern California
PF Hessburg, TA Spies, DA Perry, CN Skinner, AH Taylor, PM Brown, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 366, 221-250, 2016
Connectivity planning to address climate change
TA Nuñez, JJ Lawler, BH McRae, DJ Pierce, MB Krosby, DM Kavanagh, ...
Conservation Biology 27 (2), 407-416, 2013
Using an agent-based model to examine forest management outcomes in a fire-prone landscape in Oregon, USA
TA Spies, E White, A Ager, JD Kline, JP Bolte, EK Platt, KA Olsen, ...
Ecology and Society 22 (1), 2017
Focal species and landscape “naturalness” corridor models offer complementary approaches for connectivity conservation planning
M Krosby, I Breckheimer, D John Pierce, PH Singleton, SA Hall, ...
Landscape ecology 30, 2121-2132, 2015
Informed multi‐objective decision‐making in environmental management using Pareto optimality
MC Kennedy, ED Ford, P Singleton, M Finney, JK Agee
Journal of Applied Ecology 45 (1), 181-192, 2008
Assessing the cumulative effects of linear recreation routes on wildlife habitats on the Okanogan and Wenatchee National Forests.
WL Gaines, PH Singleton, RC Ross
Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-586. Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture …, 2003
The ecology and management of moist mixed-conifer forests in eastern Oregon and Washington: a synthesis of the relevant biophysical science and implications for future land …
P Stine, P Hessburg, T Spies, M Kramer, CJ Fettig, A Hansen, J Lehmkuhl, ...
Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-897. Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture …, 2014
Seeing the forest for the fuel: integrating ecological values and fuels management
JF Lehmkuhl, M Kennedy, ED Ford, PH Singleton, WL Gaines, RL Lind
Forest Ecology and Management 246 (1), 73-80, 2007
Barred owl space use and habitat selection in the eastern Cascades, Washington
PH Singleton, JF Lehmkuhl, WL Gaines, SA Graham
The Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (2), 285-294, 2010
Landscape permeability for grizzly bear movements in Washington and southwestern British Columbia
PH Singleton, WL Gaines, JF Lehmkuhl
Ursus 15 (1), 90-103, 2004
Northern spotted owl habitat and populations: status and threats
DB Lesmeister, RJ Davis, PH Singleton, JD Wiens
In: Spies, TA; Stine, PA; Gravenmier, R.; Long, JW; Reilly, MJ, tech. coords …, 2018
Assessing wildlife habitat connectivity in the Interstate 90 Snoqualmie Pass corridor, Washington
PH Singleton, JF Lehmkuhl
Proceedings of the third international conference on wildlife ecology and …, 1999
Using weighted distance and least-cost corridor analysis to evaluate regional-scale large carnivore habitat connectivity in Washington
PH Singleton, JF Lehmkuhl
Analysis of sensitivity and uncertainty in an individual‐based model of a threatened wildlife species
BG Marcot, PH Singleton, NH Schumaker
Natural Resource Modeling 28 (1), 37-58, 2015
Spatially explicit carrying capacity estimates to inform species specific recovery objectives: Grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) recovery in the North Cascades
AL Lyons, WL Gaines, PH Singleton, WF Kasworm, MF Proctor, J Begley
Biological Conservation 222, 21-32, 2018
Conservation of rare carnivores in the North Cascades Ecosystem, western North America.
WL Gaines, P Singleton, AL Gold
Winter habitat selection by wolves in the North Fork of the Flathead River Basin Montana and British Columbia
PH Singleton
The University of Montana, 1995
The 1994 eastside screens large-tree harvest limit: review of science relevant to forest planning 25 years later
PF Hessburg, S Charnley, KL Wendel, EM White, PH Singleton, ...
Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-990. Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture …, 2020
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