Sara Westbrook
Sara Westbrook
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Washington State University
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Determinants of novel object and location recognition during development
SA Jablonski, WB Schreiber, SR Westbrook, LE Brennan, ME Stanton
Behavioural brain research 256, 140-150, 2013
Ontogeny of object versus location recognition in the rat: acquisition and retention effects
SR Westbrook, LE Brennan, ME Stanton
Developmental psychobiology 56 (7), 1492-1506, 2014
Age and sex differences in behavioral flexibility, sensitivity to reward value, and risky decision-making.
SR Westbrook, ER Hankosky, MR Dwyer, JM Gulley
Behavioral neuroscience 132 (2), 75, 2018
Ontogeny of object-in-context recognition in the rat
AI Ramsaran, SR Westbrook, ME Stanton
Behavioural brain research 298, 37-47, 2016
Extended access self-administration of methamphetamine is associated with age-and sex-dependent differences in drug taking behavior and recognition memory in rats
SR Westbrook, MR Dwyer, LR Cortes, JM Gulley
Behavioural brain research 390, 112659, 2020
Age-and sex-dependent effects of methamphetamine on cognitive flexibility and 5-HT2C receptor localization in the orbitofrontal cortex of Sprague-Dawley rats
ER Hankosky, SR Westbrook, RM Haake, J Willing, LT Raetzman, ...
Behavioural brain research 349, 16-24, 2018
Reduced sensitivity to reinforcement in adolescent compared to adult Sprague-Dawley rats of both sexes
ER Hankosky, SR Westbrook, RM Haake, M Marinelli, JM Gulley
Psychopharmacology 235, 861-871, 2018
AMPed-up adolescents: The role of age in the abuse of amphetamines and its consequences on cognition and prefrontal cortex development
SR Westbrook, LK Carrica, A Banks, JM Gulley
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 198, 173016, 2020
Effects of the GluN2B antagonist, Ro 25-6981, on extinction consolidation following adolescent-or adult-onset methamphetamine self-administration in male and female rats
SR Westbrook, JM Gulley
Behavioural Pharmacology 31 (8), 748-758, 2020
Sex differences in adolescent ethanol drinking to behavioral intoxication
SR Westbrook, M Kang, LK Sherrill, D O'Hearn, T Krishnamani, JM Gulley
Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior 110 (1), 54-62, 2018
Sex differences in adolescent cannabis vapor self-administration mediate enduring effects on behavioral flexibility and prefrontal microglia activation in rats
TG Freels, SR Westbrook, HR Wright, JR Kuyat, E Zamberletti, AM Malena, ...
BioRxiv, 2023
Sex differences in Response-Contingent Cannabis Vapor Administration during Adolescence Mediate Enduring effects on behavioral flexibility and Prefrontal Microglia activation …
TG Freels, SR Westbrook, E Zamberletti, JR Kuyat, HR Wright, AN Malena, ...
Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research 9 (4), e1184-e1196, 2024
The effect of corticosterone on the acquisition of Pavlovian conditioned approach behavior in rats is dependent on sex and vendor
A Turfe, SR Westbrook, SA Lopez, SE Chang, SB Flagel
Hormones and Behavior 164, 105609, 2024
Neonatal ethanol exposure impairs incidental spatial learning in the juvenile rat: Effects of exposure scenario
SR Westbrook
University of Delaware, 2014
A simple action reduces high fat diet intake and obesity in mice
MR Barrett, Y Pan, C Murrell, EO Karolczak, J Wang, L Fang, ...
bioRxiv, 2024
A simple action reduces food intake and obesity in mice
MR Barrett, Y Pan, C Murrell, EO Karolczak, J Wang, L Fang, ...
bioRxiv, 2024
Influence of solvent, sex, and age on pharmacokinetic and acute behavioral effects of vaporized cannabis extract in mice
SR Westbrook, AL Jensen, V Copeland-Solorzano, J Buursma, G Freeby, ...
bioRxiv, 2025.01. 10.632469, 2025
Sign-Tracking to Food and Drug Cues
SR Westbrook, SB Flagel
Food and Addiction: A Comprehensive Handbook, 254, 2024
Chemogenetic and Optogenetic Manipulation of Neuronal Projections From the Lateral Hypothalamus to the Paraventricular Nucleus of the Thalamus Impact Cue-Motivated Behaviors
A Iglesias, S Westbrook, S Chang, J Chung, P Campus, S Flagel
Age and sex as vulnerability factors for methamphetamine use and its neurobehavioral consequences
SR Westbrook
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2020
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Articles 1–20