Rodrigo Moreno
Cited by
Cited by
A MILP model for optimising multi-service portfolios of distributed energy storage
R Moreno, R Moreira, G Strbac
Applied Energy 137, 554–566, 2015
Effect of Battery Degradation on Multi-Service Portfolios of Energy Storage
A Perez, R Moreno, R Moreira, M Orchard, G Strbac
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 7 (4), 1718 - 1729, 2016
A column generation approach for solving generation expansion planning problems with high renewable energy penetration
A Flores-Quiroz, R Palma-Behnke, G Zakeri, R Moreno
Electric Power Systems Research 136, 232-241, 2016
Auction approaches of long-term contracts to ensure generation investment in electricity markets: Lessons from the Brazilian and Chilean experiences
R Moreno, LA Barroso, H Rudnick, S Mocarquer, B Bezerra
Energy policy 38 (10), 5758-5769, 2010
Opportunities for energy storage: Assessing whole-system economic benefits of energy storage in future electricity systems
G Strbac, M Aunedi, I Konstantelos, R Moreira, F Teng, R Moreno, ...
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 15 (5), 32-41, 2017
Methods for analysis and quantification of power system resilience
AM Stanković, KL Tomsovic, F De Caro, M Braun, JH Chow, N Čukalevski, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 38 (5), 4774-4787, 2022
From reliability to resilience: Planning the grid against the extremes
R Moreno, M Panteli, P Mancarella, H Rudnick, T Lagos, A Navarro, ...
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 18 (4), 41-53, 2020
Identifying optimal portfolios of resilient network investments against natural hazards, with applications to earthquakes
T Lagos, R Moreno, AN Espinosa, M Panteli, R Sacaan, F Ordonez, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (2), 1411-1421, 2019
A Five-Level MILP Model for Flexible Transmission Network Planning under Uncertainty: A Min-Max Regret Approach
A Moreira, G Strbac, R Moreno, A Street, I Konstantelos
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (1), 486 - 501, 2018
Transmission Network Investment With Probabilistic Security and Corrective Control
R Moreno, D Pudjianto, G Strbac
Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on 28 (4), 3935-3944, 2013
Planning Low-Carbon Electricity Systems under Uncertainty Considering Operational Flexibility and Smart Grid Technologies
R Moreno, A Street, JM Arroyo, P Mancarella
Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and …, 2017
System-level assessment of reliability and resilience provision from microgrids
Y Zhou, M Panteli, R Moreno, P Mancarella
Applied Energy 230, 374-392, 2018
CVaR constrained planning of renewable generation with consideration of system inertial response, reserve services and demand participation
A Inzunza, R Moreno, A Bernales, H Rudnick
Energy Economics 59, 104-117, 2016
Power system stability in the transition to a low carbon grid: A techno‐economic perspective on challenges and opportunities
L Meegahapola, P Mancarella, D Flynn, R Moreno
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, e399, 2021
The importance of time resolution, operational flexibility and risk aversion in quantifying the value of energy storage in long-term energy planning studies
G Diaz, A Inzunza, R Moreno
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 112, 797-812, 2019
Transmission Network Investment with Distributed Energy Resources and Distributionally Robust Security
D Alvarado, A Moreira, R Moreno, G Strbac
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (6), 5157-5168, 2019
Making room for the boom
R Moreno, G Strbac, F Porrua, S Mocarquer, B Bezerra
Power and Energy Magazine, IEEE 8 (5), 36-46, 2010
Electricity transmission arrangements in Great Britain: Time for change?
G Strbac, M Pollitt, CV Konstantinidis, I Konstantelos, R Moreno, ...
Energy Policy 73, 298-311, 2014
Reliability Standards for the Operation and Planning of Future Electricity Networks
G Strbac, D Kirschen, R Moreno
Foundations and Trends® in Electric Energy Systems 1 (3), 143-219, 2016
Microgrids against wildfires: Distributed energy resources enhance system resilience
R Moreno, DN Trakas, M Jamieson, M Panteli, P Mancarella, G Strbac, ...
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 20 (1), 78-89, 2022
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Articles 1–20