Elena Pereloma
Elena Pereloma
Professor of Physical Metallurgy, University of Wollongong
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Microstructures and properties of copper processed by equal channel angular extrusion for 1–16 passes
F Dalla Torre, R Lapovok, J Sandlin, PF Thomson, CHJ Davies, ...
Acta materialia 52 (16), 4819-4832, 2004
Effect of microstructure on the stability of retained austenite in transformation-induced-plasticity steels
IB Timokhina, PD Hodgson, EV Pereloma
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 35, 2331-2341, 2004
Mechanical properities of an HSLA bainitic steel subjected to controlled rolling with accelerated cooling
PCM Rodrigues, EV Pereloma, DB Santos
Materials Science and Engineering: A 283 (1-2), 136-143, 2000
Ageing behaviour of an Fe–20Ni–1.8 Mn–1.6 Ti–0.59 Al (wt%) maraging alloy: clustering, precipitation and hardening
EV Pereloma, A Shekhter, MK Miller, SP Ringer
Acta Materialia 52 (19), 5589-5602, 2004
Microstructural evolution at the initial stages of continuous annealing of cold rolled dual-phase steel
RO Rocha, TMF Melo, EV Pereloma, DB Santos
Materials Science and Engineering: A 391 (1-2), 296-304, 2005
Effect of microstructure and composition on hydrogen permeation in X70 pipeline steels
AJ Haq, K Muzaka, DP Dunne, A Calka, EV Pereloma
International journal of hydrogen energy 38 (5), 2544-2556, 2013
The influence of β phase stability on deformation mode and compressive mechanical properties of Ti–10V–3Fe–3Al alloy
M Ahmed, D Wexler, G Casillas, OM Ivasishin, EV Pereloma
Acta Materialia 84, 124-135, 2015
An alternative physical explanation of the Hall–Petch relation
V Bata, EV Pereloma
Acta materialia 52 (3), 657-665, 2004
Phase transformations in steels: Diffusionless transformations, high strength steels, modelling and advanced analytical techniques
E Pereloma, DV Edmonds
Elsevier, 2012
Clustering, nano-scale precipitation and strengthening of steels
Z Xiong, I Timokhina, E Pereloma
Progress in Materials Science 118, 100764, 2021
Strain rate dependence of deformation-induced transformation and twinning in a metastable titanium alloy
M Ahmed, D Wexler, G Casillas, DG Savvakin, EV Pereloma
Acta Materialia 104, 190-200, 2016
Effect of manganese content and microstructure on the susceptibility of X70 pipeline steel to hydrogen cracking
D Hejazi, AJ Haq, N Yazdipour, DP Dunne, A Calka, F Barbaro, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 551, 40-49, 2012
Strain hardening behaviour and deformation kinetics of Cu deformed by equal channel angular extrusion from 1 to 16 passes
FH Dalla Torre, EV Pereloma, CHJ Davies
Acta Materialia 54 (4), 1135-1146, 2006
Texture evolution of cold rolled and annealed Fe–24Mn–3Al–2Si–1Ni–0.06 C TWIP steel
AA Saleh, EV Pereloma, AA Gazder
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (13-14), 4537-4549, 2011
Stored energy, vacancies and thermal stability of ultra-fine grained copper
WQ Cao, CF Gu, EV Pereloma, CHJ Davies
Materials Science and Engineering: A 492 (1-2), 74-79, 2008
Role of alloying elements in microstructure evolution and alloying elements behaviour during sintering of a near-β titanium alloy
A Carman, LC Zhang, OM Ivasishin, DG Savvakin, MV Matviychuk, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (3), 1686-1693, 2011
Three-dimensional atom probe analysis of solute distribution in thermomechanically processed TRIP steels
EV Pereloma, IB Timokhina, MK Miller, PD Hodgson
Acta Materialia 55 (8), 2587-2598, 2007
Transformation behaviour in thermomechanically processed C–Mn–Si TRIP steels with and without Nb
EV Pereloma, IB Timokhina, PD Hodgson
Materials Science and Engineering: A 273, 448-452, 1999
Precipitate characterisation of an advanced high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel using atom probe tomography
IB Timokhina, PD Hodgson, SP Ringer, RK Zheng, EV Pereloma
Scripta Materialia 56 (7), 601-604, 2007
Microstructure and texture evolution in a twinning-induced-plasticity steel during uniaxial tension
AA Saleh, EV Pereloma, AA Gazder
Acta materialia 61 (7), 2671-2691, 2013
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Articles 1–20