Justin D. Weisz
Justin D. Weisz
Manager, Senior Research Scientist, and Strategy Lead, IBM Research
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Cited by
Cited by
Expanding explainability: Towards social transparency in ai systems
U Ehsan, QV Liao, M Muller, MO Riedl, JD Weisz
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2021
Human-AI collaboration in data science: Exploring data scientists' perceptions of automated AI
D Wang, JD Weisz, M Muller, P Ram, W Geyer, C Dugan, Y Tausczik, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on human-computer interaction 3 (CSCW), 1-24, 2019
Resilient chatbots: Repair strategy preferences for conversational breakdowns
Z Ashktorab, M Jain, QV Liao, JD Weisz
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2019
The programmer’s assistant: Conversational interaction with a large language model for software development
SI Ross, F Martinez, S Houde, M Muller, JD Weisz
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Intelligent User …, 2023
Watching together: integrating text chat with video
JD Weisz, S Kiesler, H Zhang, Y Ren, RE Kraut, JA Konstan
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2007
Investigating explainability of generative AI for code through scenario-based design
J Sun, QV Liao, M Muller, M Agarwal, S Houde, K Talamadupula, ...
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Intelligent User …, 2022
Trust in AutoML: exploring information needs for establishing trust in automated machine learning systems
J Drozdal, J Weisz, D Wang, G Dass, B Yao, C Zhao, M Muller, L Ju, H Su
Proceedings of the 25th international conference on intelligent user …, 2020
Perfection not required? Human-AI partnerships in code translation
JD Weisz, M Muller, S Houde, J Richards, SI Ross, F Martinez, M Agarwal, ...
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Intelligent User …, 2021
Toward general design principles for generative AI applications
JD Weisz, M Muller, J He, S Houde
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.05578, 2023
In AI we trust? Factors that influence trustworthiness of AI-infused decision-making processes
M Ashoori, JD Weisz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.02675, 2019
Autods: Towards human-centered automation of data science
D Wang, J Andres, JD Weisz, E Oduor, C Dugan
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2021
Documentation matters: Human-centered ai system to assist data science code documentation in computational notebooks
AY Wang, D Wang, J Drozdal, M Muller, S Park, JD Weisz, X Liu, L Wu, ...
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 29 (2), 1-33, 2022
Tracking drone orientation with multiple GPS receivers
M Gowda, J Manweiler, A Dhekne, RR Choudhury, JD Weisz
Proceedings of the 22nd annual international conference on mobile computing …, 2016
Better together? an evaluation of ai-supported code translation
JD Weisz, M Muller, SI Ross, F Martinez, S Houde, M Agarwal, ...
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Intelligent User …, 2022
AutoAIViz: opening the blackbox of automated artificial intelligence with conditional parallel coordinates
DKI Weidele, JD Weisz, E Oduor, M Muller, J Andres, A Gray, D Wang
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Intelligent User …, 2020
Design principles for generative AI applications
JD Weisz, J He, M Muller, G Hoefer, R Miles, W Geyer
Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2024
Business (mis) use cases of generative ai
S Houde, V Liao, J Martino, M Muller, D Piorkowski, J Richards, J Weisz, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.07679, 2020
Detecting and notifying of various potential hazards
DW McCleary, SM Rosato, JO Uchidiuno, W Xiying, JD Weisz
US Patent 9,858,794, 2018
Identifying locations of potential user errors during manipulation of multimedia content
JR Kozloski, PK Malkin, CA Pickover, JD Weisz
US Patent 9,262,748, 2016
System and method to operate a drone
GF Boland, JR Kozloski, Y Ma, JG Manweiler, KE Siemonsen, U Topkara, ...
US Patent 9,471,064, 2016
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20