Amy A Yackel Adams
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Cited by
Nest survival estimation: a review of alternatives to the Mayfield estimator
G Jehle, AA Yackel Adams, JA Savidge, SK Skagen
The Condor 106 (3), 472-484, 2004
Weather effects on avian breeding performance and implications of climate change
SK Skagen, AAY Adams
Ecological Applications 22 (4), 1131-1145, 2012
Modeling post‐fledging survival of lark buntings in response to ecological and biological factors
AA Yackel Adams, SK Skagen, JA Savidge
Ecology 87 (1), 178-188, 2006
Modelling detection probabilities to evaluate management and control tools for an invasive species
MT Christy, AA Yackel Adams, GH Rodda, JA Savidge, CL Tyrrell
Journal of Applied Ecology 47 (1), 106-113, 2010
Movements and survival of Lark Bunting fledglings
AA Yackel Adams, SK Skagen, A RD
Condor 103, 643-647, 2001
Extremes of heat, drought and precipitation depress reproductive performance in shortgrass prairie passerines
RY Conrey, SK Skagen, AA Yackel Adams, AO Panjabi
Ibis 158 (3), 614-629, 2016
Canine detection of free-ranging brown treesnakes on Guam
JA Savidge, JW Stanford, RN Reed, GR Haddock, AAY Adams
New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 174-181, 2011
Modeling the distributions of tegu lizards in native and potential invasive ranges
CS Jarnevich, MA Hayes, LA Fitzgerald, AA Yackel Adams, BG Falk, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 10193, 2018
Evaluation of trap capture in a geographically closed population of brown treesnakes on Guam
CL Tyrrell, MT Christy, GH Rodda, AA Yackel Adams, AR Ellingson, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 46 (1), 128-135, 2009
Distribution, Density, and Biomass of Introduced Small Mammals in the Southern Mariana Islands1
AS Wiewel, AAY Adams, GH Rodda
Pacific Science 63 (2), 205-222, 2009
Behavioral differences following ingestion of large meals and consequences for management of a harmful invasive snake: a field experiment
SR Siers, AA Yackel Adams, RN Reed
Ecology and Evolution 8 (20), 10075-10093, 2018
Do predators control prey species abundance? An experimental test with brown treesnakes on Guam
EWC III, AAY Adams, SJ Converse, TH Fritts, GH Rodda
Ecology 93 (5), 1194-1203, 2012
Another reason why adults find it hard to draw accurately
WJ Matthews, A Adams
Perception 37 (4), 628-630, 2008
The influence of disturbed habitat on the spatial ecology of Argentine black and white tegu (Tupinambis merianae), a recent invader in the Everglades ecosystem …
PE Klug, RN Reed, FJ Mazzotti, MA McEachern, JJ Vinci, KK Craven, ...
Biological Invasions 17, 1785-1797, 2015
Use of visual surveys and radiotelemetry reveals sources of detection bias for a cryptic snake at low densities
SM Boback, MG Nafus, AA Yackel Adams, RN Reed
Ecosphere 11 (1), e03000, 2020
Burmese pythons in Florida: A synthesis of biology, impacts, and management tools
JC Guzy, BG Falk, BJ Smith, JD Willson, RN Reed, NG Aumen, ML Avery, ...
Potential misuse of avian density as a conservation metric
SK Skagen, AA Yackel Adams
Conservation Biology 25 (1), 48-55, 2011
Evaluation of camera trap‐based abundance estimators for unmarked populations
SM Amburgey, AA Yackel Adams, B Gardner, NJ Hostetter, SR Siers, ...
Ecological Applications 31 (7), e02410, 2021
Effectiveness of bait tubes for brown treesnake control on Guam
B Lardner, AA Yackel Adams, JA Savidge, GH Rodda, RN Reed, ...
Wildlife Society Bulletin 37 (3), 664-673, 2013
Nest survival relative to patch size in a highly fragmented shortgrass prairie landscape
SK Skagen, AAY Adams, RD Adams
The Wilson Bulletin 117 (1), 23-34, 2005
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Articles 1–20