Gabriella Alberti
Gabriella Alberti
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In, against and beyond precarity: Work in insecure times
G Alberti, I Bessa, K Hardy, V Trappmann, C Umney
Work, Employment and Society 32 (3), 447-457, 2018
Mobility strategies,‘mobility differentials’ and ‘transnational exit’: the experiences of precarious migrants in London’s hospitality jobs
G Alberti
Work, employment and society 28 (6), 865-881, 2014
Organising migrants as workers or as migrant workers? Intersectionality, trade unions and precarious work
G Alberti, J Holgate, M Tapia
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (22), 4132-4148, 2013
The social protection of workers in the platform economy
C Forde, M Stuart, S Joyce, L Oliver, D Valizade, G Alberti, K Hardy, ...
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2017
Migrating industrial relations: migrant workers’ initiative within and outside trade unions
G Alberti, D Però
British Journal of Industrial Relations 56 (4), 693-715, 2018
Unpacking the category of migrant workers in trade union research: A multi-level approach to migrant intersectionalities
M Tapia, G Alberti
Work, Employment and Society 33 (2), 314-325, 2019
Moving beyond the dichotomy of workplace and community unionism: The challenges of organising migrant workers in London’s hotels
G Alberti
Economic and Industrial Democracy 37 (1), 73-94, 2016
Posting and agency work in British construction and hospitality: the role of regulation in differentiating the experiences of migrants
G Alberti, S Danaj
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 28 (21), 3065-3088, 2017
Embodied intersectionality and the intersectional management of hotel labour: The everyday experiences of social differentiation in customer‐oriented work
G Alberti, FE Iannuzzi
Gender, Work & Organization 27 (6), 1165-1180, 2020
Across the borders of Lesvos: The gendering of migrants’ detention in the Aegean
G Alberti
Feminist review 94 (1), 138-147, 2010
Mobilizing and bargaining at the edge of informality: the “3 cosas campaign” by outsourced migrant workers at the University of London
G Alberti
WorkingUSA 19 (1), 81-103, 2016
EU Social and Labour Rights and EU Internal Market Law: Study for the EMPL Committee
D Schiek, L Oliver, C Forde, G Alberti, M Doherty, J Unterschuetz, ...
European Parliament, 2015
Understanding the connections between temporary employment agencies and migration
C Forde, R MacKenzie, Z Ciupijus, G Alberti
International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 31 (4), 2015
The government of migration through workfare in the UK: towards a shrinking space of mobility and social rights?
GL Alberti
movements: Journal für kritische Migrations-und Grenzregimeforschung 3 (1), 2017
How is the end of free movement affecting the low-wage labour force in the UK
M Sumption, C Forde, G Alberti, PW Walsh
The Economics of Brexit: What Have We Learned, 2022
A new status for migrant workers: restrictions of the free movement of labour in the EU.
G Alberti
Mondi migranti: 3, 2016, 33-49, 2016
The social protection of workers in the collaborative economy
C Forde, M Stuart, S Joyce, L Oliver, D Valizade, G Alberti, K Hardy, ...
Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policy, European Parliament …, 2017
Opportunity and choice for unions organizing immigrant workers: a comparison across countries and industries
G Alberti, J Holgate, L Turner
ILR Press, 2014
Transient working lives: migrant women's everyday politics in London's hospitality industry
G Alberti
PQDT-UK & Ireland, 2011
The politics of migrant labour: exit, voice, and social reproduction
G Alberti, D Sacchetto
Policy Press, 2024
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Articles 1–20