Robinson Peric
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Cited by
Reliable damping of free-surface waves in numerical simulations
R Perić, M Abdel-Maksoud
Ship Technology Research 63 (1), 1-13, 2016
Analytical prediction of reflection coefficients for wave absorbing layers in flow simulations of regular free-surface waves
R Perić, M Abdel-Maksoud
Ocean Engineering 147, 132-147, 2018
Initial wave breaking dynamics of Peregrine-type rogue waves: a numerical and experimental study
R Perić, N Hoffmann, A Chabchoub
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 49, 71-76, 2015
Simulation of flow around KCS-hull
S Enger, M Peric, R Peric
Proceedings from Gothenburg 2010-A Workshop on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics …, 2010
Analytical and numerical investigation of the airflow in face masks used for protection against COVID-19 virus--implications for mask design and usage
R Perić, M Perić
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 13 (6), 1911-1923, 2020
Generation of free-surface waves by localized source terms in the continuity equation
R Perić, M Abdel-Maksoud
Ocean Engineering 109, 567-579, 2015
Toward design of the antiturbulence surface exhibiting maximum drag reduction effect
V Krieger, R Perić, J Jovanović, H Lienhart, A Delgado
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 850, 262-303, 2018
Minimizing undesired wave reflection at the domain boundaries in flow simulations with forcing zones
R Perić
PhD-thesis at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Schriftenreihe …, 2019
Optimizing wave generation and wave damping in 3D-flow simulations with implicit relaxation zones
R Perić, V Vukčević, M Abdel-Maksoud, H Jasak
Coastal engineering 171, 104035, 2022
Assessment of uncertainty due to wave reflections in experiments via numerical flow simulations
R Peric, M Abdel-Maksoud
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-15-261, 2015
Improved simulation of flows with free-surface waves by optimizing the angle factor in the HRIC interface-sharpening scheme
JC Berndt, M Abdel-Maksoud
Journal of applied fluid mechanics 14 (3), 909-920, 2020
Reducing undesired wave reflection at domain boundaries in 3d finite volume-based flow simulations via forcing zones
R Peric, M Abdel-Maksoud
Journal of ship research 64 (01), 23-47, 2020
Tuning the case-dependent parameters of relaxation zones for flow simulations with strongly reflecting bodies in free-surface waves
R Peric, V Vukcevic, M Abdel-Maksoud, H Jasak
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.10995, 2018
Dynamics of unstable stokes waves: a numerical and experimental study
A Chabchoub, R Perić, NP Hoffmann
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 45400 …, 2014
Damping of non-linear and irregular long-crested free-surface waves using forcing zones
R Peric, M Abdel-Maksoud
11th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics (IWSH2019), 2019
Minimierung Unerwünschter Wellenreflexionen an Den Gebietsrändern Bei Strömungssimulationen Mit Forcing Zones: Minimizing Undesired Wave Reflection at the Domain Boundaries in …
R Perić
Technische Universität Hamburg, 2019
Simulation of linear and non-linear dynamics of tip-vortex cavities with a panel method using explicit relaxation zones
R Gosda, R Peric, M Abdel-Maksoud
11th International Symposium on Cavitation, CAV2021, 2021
Influence of interface-sharpening on the ship’s wave system
R Perić, J Berndt, M Abdel-Maksoud
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1288 (1), 012006, 2023
HYTEP: Validierung und Weiterentwicklung eines innovativen schutzrechtlich gesicherten Konzeptes einer hydrokinetischen Turbine" X-flap-Konverter" zum Einsatz als …
M Abdel-Maksoud, JC Neitzel-Petersen, R Perić
Technische Universität Hamburg, 2022
Dynamics of Unstable Stokes Waves
A Chabchoub, R Peric, N Hoffmann
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 9035, 2014
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Articles 1–20