E.A. McCutchan
E.A. McCutchan
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ENDF/B-VII. 1 nuclear data for science and technology: cross sections, covariances, fission product yields and decay data
MB Chadwick, M Herman, P Obložinský, ME Dunn, Y Danon, AC Kahler, ...
Nuclear data sheets 112 (12), 2887-2996, 2011
ENDF/B-VIII. 0: the 8th major release of the nuclear reaction data library with CIELO-project cross sections, new standards and thermal scattering data
DA Brown, MB Chadwick, R Capote, AC Kahler, A Trkov, MW Herman, ...
Nuclear Data Sheets 148, 1-142, 2018
Quantum phase transitions and structural evolution in nuclei
RF Casten, EA McCutchan
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 34 (7), R285, 2007
Staggering in γ-band energies and the transition between different structural symmetries in nuclei
EA McCutchan, D Bonatsos, NV Zamfir, RF Casten
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 76 (2), 024306, 2007
Mapping the interacting boson approximation symmetry triangle: New trajectories of structural evolution of rare-earth nuclei
EA McCutchan, NV Zamfir, RF Casten
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 69 (6), 064306, 2004
reaction: A test of models of multinucleon transfer reactions
JS Barrett, W Loveland, R Yanez, S Zhu, AD Ayangeakaa, MP Carpenter, ...
Physical Review C 91 (6), 064615, 2015
Exactly separable version of the Bohr Hamiltonian with the Davidson potential
D Bonatsos, EA McCutchan, N Minkov, RF Casten, P Yotov, D Lenis, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 76 (6), 064312, 2007
Wobbling mode in
DJ Hartley, RVF Janssens, LL Riedinger, MA Riley, A Aguilar, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 80 (4), 041304, 2009
Nuclear structure insights into reactor antineutrino spectra
AA Sonzogni, TD Johnson, EA McCutchan
Physical Review C 91 (1), 011301, 2015
A test of X (5) for the gamma degree of freedom
R Bijker, RF Casten, NV Zamfir, EA McCutchan
Phys Rev C 68, 064304 (2003), 2003
Evidence for rigid triaxial deformation at low energy in Ge
Y Toh, CJ Chiara, EA McCutchan, WB Walters, RVF Janssens, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 87 (4), 041304, 2013
Transition from the seniority regime to collective motion
JJ Ressler, RF Casten, NV Zamfir, CW Beausang, RB Cakirli, H Ai, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 69 (3), 034317, 2004
Simple interpretation of shape evolution in Pt isotopes without intruder states
EA McCutchan, RF Casten, NV Zamfir
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 71 (6), 061301, 2005
Intermediate-energy Coulomb excitation of Cr: The onset of collectivity toward
T Baugher, A Gade, RVF Janssens, SM Lenzi, D Bazin, BA Brown, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 86 (1), 011305, 2012
Effects of Fission Yield Data in the Calculation of Antineutrino Spectra for at Thermal and Fast Neutron Energies
AA Sonzogni, EA McCutchan, TD Johnson, P Dimitriou
Physical review letters 116 (13), 132502, 2016
Estimation of () cross sections by measuring reaction probability ratios
C Plettner, H Ai, CW Beausang, LA Bernstein, L Ahle, H Amro, M Babilon, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 71 (5), 051602, 2005
Current nuclear data needs for applications
K Kolos, V Sobes, R Vogt, CE Romano, MS Smith, LA Bernstein, ...
Physical Review Research 4 (2), 021001, 2022
Simple description of light W, Os, and Pt nuclei in the interacting boson model
EA McCutchan, NV Zamfir
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 71 (5), 054306, 2005
Precise Electromagnetic Tests of Ab Initio Calculations of Light Nuclei: States in
EA McCutchan, CJ Lister, RB Wiringa, SC Pieper, D Seweryniak, ...
Physical review letters 103 (19), 192501, 2009
Simple Empirical Order Parameter for a First-Order Quantum Phase Transition<? format?> in Atomic Nuclei
D Bonatsos, EA McCutchan, RF Casten, RJ Casperson
Physical review letters 100 (14), 142501, 2008
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Articles 1–20