Abolfazl Naji
Abolfazl Naji
University of Hormozgan- Guest Research at University of Bremen
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Microplastics contamination in molluscs from the northern part of the Persian Gulf
ADV Abolfazl Najia, Marzieh Nuria
Environmental Pollution 235, 113-120, 2018
Plastic debris and microplastics along the beaches of the Strait of Hormuz, Persian Gulf
A Naji, Z Esmaili, FR Khan
Marine pollution bulletin 114 (2), 1057-1062, 2017
The occurrence of microplastic contamination in littoral sediments of the Persian Gulf, Iran
A Naji, Z Esmaili, SA Mason, A Dick Vethaak
Environmental Science and pollution research 24, 20459-20468, 2017
Small microplastic particles (S-MPPs) in sediments of mangrove ecosystem on the northern coast of the Persian Gulf
A Naji, M Nuri, P Amiri, S Niyogi
Marine pollution bulletin 146, 305-311, 2019
Chemical speciation and contamination assessment of Zn and Cd by sequential extraction in surface sediment of Klang River, Malaysia
ARI Abolfazl Naji , Ahmad Ismail
Microchemical Journal 95, 285-292, 2010
A review of microplastic distribution in sediment profiles
S Uddin, SW Fowler, MF Uddin, M Behbehani, A Naji
Marine Pollution Bulletin 163, 111973, 2021
Microplastics in wastewater outlets of Bandar Abbas city (Iran): A potential point source of microplastics into the Persian Gulf
A Naji, S Azadkhah, H Farahani, S Uddin, FR Khan
Chemosphere 262, 128039, 2021
Microplastic ingestion in important commercial fish in the southern Caspian Sea
M Zakeri, A Naji, A Akbarzadeh, S Uddin
Marine Pollution Bulletin 160, 111598, 2020
Assessment of metals contamination in Klang River surface sediments by using different indexes
A Naji, A Ismail
Environ. Asia 4 (1), 30-38, 2011
Standardized protocols for microplastics determinations in environmental samples from the Gulf and marginal seas
S Uddin, SW Fowler, T Saeed, A Naji, N Al-Jandal
Marine Pollution Bulletin 158, 111374, 2020
Potential human health risk assessment of trace metals via the consumption of marine fish in Persian Gulf
A Naji, FR Khan, SH Hashemi
Marine pollution bulletin 109 (1), 667-671, 2016
Effects of restricted feeding levels and stocking densities on water quality, growth performance, body composition and mucosal innate immunity of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis …
HS Aliabad, A Naji, SRS Mortezaei, I Sourinejad, A Akbarzadeh
Aquaculture 546, 737320, 2022
Distribution and contamination pattern of heavy metals from surface sediments in the southern part of Caspian Sea, Iran
A Naji, T Sohrabi
Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 27 (1), 29-43, 2015
Conductometric determination of formation constants of tris (2-pyridyl) methylamine and titanium (III) in water-acetonitryl mixture
M Rezayi, A Kassim, S Ahmadzadeh, NA Yusof, A Naji, HA Ahangar
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 6 (9), 4378-4387, 2011
Small plastic fragments: A bridge between large plastic debris and micro-& nano-plastics
H Shi, J Frias, AEDH Sayed, GE De-la-Torre, MC Jong, SA Uddin, ...
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 168, 117308, 2023
Correlation of MT Levels in Livers and Gills with Heavy Metals in Wild Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) from the Klang River, Malaysia
A Naji, A Ismail, E Kamrani, T Sohrabi
Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 2014
Marine plastic debris in the Arabian/Persian Gulf: challenges, opportunities and recommendations from a transdisciplinary perspective
A Stöfen-O, A Naji, AL Brooks, JR Jambeck, FR Khan
Marine Policy 136, 104909, 2022
Distribution, source apportionment, bioavailability and ecological risks of metals in reef sediments and corals of the Persian Gulf (Iran): Khark Island, Chirouyeh, and …
A Souri, S Niyogi, A Naji
Marine Pollution Bulletin 149, 110654, 2019
Sediment quality assessment of Klang Estuary, Malaysia
A Naji, A Ismail
Aquatic ecosystem health & management 15 (3), 287-293, 2012
Phytomanagement of trace metals in mangrove sediments of Hormozgan, Iran, using gray mangrove (Avicennia marina)
S Ghasemi, S Siavash Moghaddam, A Rahimi, CA Damalas, A Naji
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 28195-28205, 2018
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Articles 1–20