Yana Kucheva
Cited by
Cited by
Moving toward integration: The past and future of fair housing
RH Sander, YA Kucheva, JM Zasloff
Harvard University Press, 2018
Subsidized Housing and the Concentration of Poverty, 1977–2008: A Comparison of Eight U.S. Metropolitan Areas
Y Kucheva
City & Community 12 (2), 113–133, 2013
Structural versus ethnic dimensions of housing segregation
Y Kucheva, R Sander
Journal of Urban Affairs 40 (3), 329-348, 2018
The Misunderstood Consequences of Shelley v. Kraemer
Y Kucheva, R Sander
Social Science Research 48, 212-233, 2014
New York City cordon pricing and its impacts on disparity, transit accessibility, air quality, and health
A Baghestani, M Tayarani, M Allahviranloo, R Nadafianshahamabadi, ...
Case Studies on Transport Policy 10 (1), 485-499, 2022
Subsidized housing and the transition to adulthood
Y Kucheva
Demography 55, 617-642, 2018
Residential Mobility and Hispanic Segregation
Y Kucheva
Cityscape 23 (2), 207-244, 2021
Black Pioners, Intermetropolitan Movers, and Housing Desegregation
Y Kucheva, RH Sander
Intermetropolitan Movers, and Housing Desegregation (November 12, 2022), 2022
Restoring Housing Security and Stability in New York City Neighborhoods: Recommendations to Stop the Displacement of Dominicans and Other Working-Class Groups in Washington …
R Hernández, Y Kucheva, S Marrara, U Sezgin
The Receipt of Subsidized Housing across Generations
YA Kucheva
Population Research and Policy Review, 2014
Assessing spatial and racial equity of subway accessibility: Case study of New York City
A Baghestani, M Nikbakht, Y Kucheva, A Afshar
Cities 155, 105489, 2024
What would it take to desegregate US metropolitan areas? Pathways to residential desegregation by race
Y Kucheva
Demography 59 (2), 433-459, 2022
A Brief Comment on the Symposium Articles
R Sander, Y Kucheva
Case W. Res. L. Rev. 70, 777, 2019
Why is there so much poverty in California? The causes of California’s sky-high poverty and the evidence behind the equal opportunity plan for reducing It
D Grusky, M CoDDou, E CuMBErworth, J FishEr, JED Furuta, J Hill, ...
Stanford Center on Poverty & Inequality, 2015
The Dynamics of Participation in Subsidized Housing Programs in the US
YA Kucheva
University of California, Los Angeles, 2012
Gas leaks, gas shutoffs, and environmental justice in New York City
Y Kucheva, R Etemadpour
Urban Affairs Review 60 (6), 1699-1733, 2024
Black Pioneers, Intermetropolitan Movers, and Housing Desegregation
R Sander, Y Kucheva
US Census Bureau, Center for Economic Studies, 2016
The Diverging Paths of Black-White Segregation in Urban America, 1970–1990
R Sander, Y Kucheva
American Journal of Sociology 130 (4), 803-845, 2025
Creating and Analyzing a Multimedia Dataset for Building Energy Efficiency Estimation
GQ Chen, N Kashyap, Z Zhang, Y Kucheva, M Bobker, Z Zhu
International Conference on Smart Multimedia, 62-77, 2024
Gendered Impact of COVID-19 in the Household
Y Kucheva, HE Reed
PAA 2022 Annual Meeting, 2022
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Articles 1–20