Daniel Maliniak
Daniel Maliniak
Associate Professor of Government at William & Mary
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The gender citation gap in international relations
D Maliniak, R Powers, BF Walter
International Organization 67 (4), 889-922, 2013
International relations in the US academy
D Maliniak, A Oakes, S Peterson, MJ Tierney
International Studies Quarterly 55 (2), 437-464, 2011
TRIP around the world: Teaching, research, and policy views of international relations faculty in 20 countries
D Maliniak, S Peterson, MJ Tierney
Report, The Institute for the Theory and Practice of International Relations …, 2012
One discipline or many? TRIP survey of International Relations faculty in ten countries. Teaching, Research, and International Policy (TRIP) Project
R Jordan, D Maliniak, A Oakes, S Peterson, MJ Tierney
The Institute for the Theory and Practice of International Relations, The …, 2009
Talking politics on Facebook: Network centrality and political discussion practices in social media
PR Miller, PS Bobkowski, D Maliniak, RB Rapoport
Political Research Quarterly 68 (2), 377-391, 2015
The American school of IPE
D Maliniak, MJ Tierney
International Political Economy, 21-44, 2010
Is international relations a global discipline? Hegemony, insularity, and diversity in the field
D Maliniak, S Peterson, R Powers, MJ Tierney
Security Studies 27 (3), 448-484, 2018
Women in international relations
D Maliniak, A Oakes, S Peterson, MJ Tierney
Politics & Gender 4 (1), 122-144, 2008
TRIP 2014 faculty survey
D Maliniak, S Peterson, R Powers, MJ Tierney
Williamsburg, VA: Institute for the Theory and Practice of International …, 2014
The view from the ivory tower: TRIP survey of international relations faculty in the United States and Canada
D Maliniak, A Oakes, S Peterson, MJ Tierney
Williamsburg, VA: Program on the Theory and Practice of International …, 2007
Teaching and research practices, views on the discipline, and policy attitudes of international relations faculty at US colleges and universities
S Peterson, MJ Tierney, D Maliniak
Williamsburg, VA: Program on the Theory and Practice of International …, 2005
Inside the ivory tower
S Peterson, MJ Tierney, D Maliniak
Foreign Policy, 58, 2005
The impact of child obesity on active parental consent in school-based survey research on healthy eating and physical activity
JM Mellor, RB Rapoport, D Maliniak
Evaluation Review 32 (3), 298-312, 2008
Malapportionment, Gasoline Taxes, and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
JL Broz, D Maliniak
Third Annual Conference on The Political Economy of International …, 2010
Inside the ivory tower
D Maliniak, A Oakes, S Peterson, MJ Tierney
Foreign Policy, 62, 2007
Bridging the theory-practice divide in international relations
A Murdie, SE Mendelson, JF Green, T Hale, MA Levy, CJ Schneider, ...
Georgetown University Press, 2020
Divided discipline? Comparing views of US and Canadian IR scholars
M Lipson, D Maliniak, A Oakes, S Peterson, MJ Tierney
International Journal 62 (2), 327-343, 2007
Epistemic communities and public support for the Paris agreement on climate change
D Maliniak, E Parajon, R Powers
Political Research Quarterly 74 (4), 866-881, 2021
From respondents to networks: Bridging between individuals, discussants, and the network in the study of political discussion
MT Pietryka, JL Reilly, DM Maliniak, PR Miller, R Huckfeldt, RB Rapoport
Political Behavior 40, 711-735, 2018
With Friends Like These: Brinkmanship and Chain-Ganging in Russia's Near Abroad
J Driscoll, D Maliniak
Security Studies 25 (4), 585-607, 2016
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Articles 1–20