Yuqian Gao
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Cited by
Selective detection of dopamine in the presence of ascorbic acid and uric acid by a carbon nanotubes-ionic liquid gel modified electrode
Y Zhao, Y Gao, D Zhan, H Liu, Q Zhao, Y Kou, Y Shao, M Li, Q Zhuang, ...
Talanta 66 (1), 51-57, 2005
Recommendations for the generation, quantification, storage, and handling of peptides used for mass spectrometry–based assays
AN Hoofnagle, JR Whiteaker, SA Carr, E Kuhn, T Liu, SA Massoni, ...
Clinical chemistry 62 (1), 48-69, 2016
Tutorial: best practices and considerations for mass-spectrometry-based protein biomarker discovery and validation
ES Nakayasu, M Gritsenko, PD Piehowski, Y Gao, DJ Orton, ...
Nature Protocols 16 (8), 3737-3760, 2021
Automated mass spectrometry imaging of over 2000 proteins from tissue sections at 100-μm spatial resolution
PD Piehowski, Y Zhu, LM Bramer, KG Stratton, R Zhao, DJ Orton, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1-12, 2020
Conservation of protein abundance patterns reveals the regulatory architecture of the EGFR-MAPK pathway
T Shi, M Niepel, JE McDermott, Y Gao, CD Nicora, WB Chrisler, ...
Science Signaling 9 (436), rs6-rs6, 2016
Molecular composition of monoterpene secondary organic aerosol at low mass loading
Y Gao, WA Hall IV, MV Johnston
Environmental science & technology 44 (20), 7897-7902, 2010
Targeted quantification of low ng/mL level proteins in human serum without immunoaffinity depletion
T Shi, X Sun, Y Gao, TL Fillmore, AA Schepmoes, R Zhao, J He, RJ Moore, ...
Journal of proteome research 12 (7), 3353-3361, 2013
A highly sensitive targeted mass spectrometric assay for quantification of AGR2 protein in human urine and serum
T Shi, Y Gao, SI Quek, TL Fillmore, CD Nicora, D Su, R Zhao, J Kagan, ...
Journal of proteome research 13 (2), 875-882, 2014
Moisture modulates soil reservoirs of active DNA and RNA viruses
R Wu, MR Davison, Y Gao, CD Nicora, JE Mcdermott, ...
Communications biology 4 (1), 992, 2021
Temperature-controlled vesicle aggregation in the mixed system of sodium n-dodecyl sulfate/n-dodecyltributylammonium bromide
H Yin, J Huang, Y Gao, H Fu
Langmuir 21 (7), 2656-2659, 2005
The long noncoding RNA paupar modulates PAX6 regulatory activities to promote alpha cell development and function
RA Singer, L Arnes, Y Cui, J Wang, Y Gao, MA Guney, ...
Cell metabolism 30 (6), 1091-1106. e8, 2019
Capillary electrophoresis–nanoelectrospray ionization–selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry via a true sheathless metal-coated emitter interface for robust and high …
X Guo, TL Fillmore, Y Gao, K Tang
Analytical chemistry 88 (8), 4418-4425, 2016
Further engineering of R. toruloides for the production of terpenes from lignocellulosic biomass
J Kirby, GM Geiselman, J Yaegashi, J Kim, X Zhuang, MB Tran-Gyamfi, ...
Biotechnology for Biofuels 14, 1-16, 2021
Production of ent-kaurene from lignocellulosic hydrolysate in Rhodosporidium toruloides
GM Geiselman, X Zhuang, J Kirby, MB Tran-Gyamfi, JP Prahl, ...
Microbial cell factories 19, 1-12, 2020
Multi-Omics Driven Metabolic Network Reconstruction and Analysis of Lignocellulosic Carbon Utilization in Rhodosporidium toruloides
J Kim, ST Coradetti, YM Kim, Y Gao, J Yaegashi, JD Zucker, N Munoz, ...
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8, 612832, 2021
Long-gradient separations coupled with selected reaction monitoring for highly sensitive, large scale targeted protein quantification in a single analysis
T Shi, TL Fillmore, Y Gao, R Zhao, J He, AA Schepmoes, CD Nicora, ...
Analytical chemistry 85 (19), 9196-9203, 2013
Targeted proteomic assays for quantitation of proteins identified by proteogenomic analysis of ovarian cancer
E Song, Y Gao, C Wu, T Shi, S Nie, TL Fillmore, AA Schepmoes, ...
Scientific data 4 (1), 1-13, 2017
Functional enzyme-based approach for linking microbial community functions with biogeochemical process kinetics
M Li, W Qian, Y Gao, L Shi, C Liu
Environmental science & technology 51 (20), 11848-11857, 2017
Sensitive targeted quantification of ERK phosphorylation dynamics and stoichiometry in human cells without affinity enrichment
T Shi, Y Gao, MJ Gaffrey, CD Nicora, TL Fillmore, WB Chrisler, ...
Analytical chemistry 87 (2), 1103-1110, 2015
Analytical platform evaluation for quantification of ERG in prostate cancer using protein and mRNA detection methods
J He, AA Schepmoes, T Shi, C Wu, TL Fillmore, Y Gao, RD Smith, ...
Journal of translational medicine 13, 1-14, 2015
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Articles 1–20