Mahdieh Ghasemi
Mahdieh Ghasemi
Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Neyshabur
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Disorganization of equilibrium directional interactions in the brain motor network of Parkinson's disease: new insight of resting state analysis using granger causality and …
M Ghasemi, A Mahloojifar
Journal of Medical Signals & Sensors 3 (2), 69-78, 2013
Complete dynamical analysis of a neocortical network model
A Foroutannia, M Ghasemi, F Parastesh, S Jafari, M Perc
Nonlinear Dynamics 100, 2699-2714, 2020
Characterizing resting‐state networks in Parkinson’s disease: A multi‐aspect functional connectivity study
M Ghasemi, A Foroutannia, A Babajani‐Feremi
Brain and behavior 11 (5), e02101, 2021
Study of functional connectivity of central motor system in Parkinson’s disease using copula theory
M Ghasemi, M Zarei, A Foroutannia, S Jafari
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 65, 102320, 2021
A PID controller for synchronization between master-slave neurons in fractional-order of neocortical network model
M Ghasemi, A Foroutannia, F Nikdelfaz
Journal of Theoretical Biology 556, 111311, 2023
Chaos in memory function of sleep: A nonlinear dynamical analysis in thalamocortical study
A Foroutannia, F Nazarimehr, M Ghasemi, S Jafari
Journal of Theoretical Biology 528, 110837, 2021
Predicting cortical oscillations with bidirectional LSTM network: A simulation study
A Foroutannia, M Ghasemi
Nonlinear Dynamics 111 (9), 8713-8736, 2023
A Novel Neural Approach For Classification of EEG Signals for Brain-Computer Interface
M Shoryabi, A Foroutannia, A Rowhanimanesh, M Ghasemi
Disruption of the brain resting state networks in parkinsonism
M Ghasemi, A Foroutannia
The Neuroscience Journal of Shefaye Khatam 7 (1), 23-33, 2019
fMRI data analysis by blind source separation algorithms: a comparison study for nongaussian properties
M Ghasemi, A Mahloojifar
2010 18th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 13-17, 2010
Hamilton energy variations in memristive Hindmarsh–Rose neurons under attractive and repulsive couplings
P Alexander, H Natiq, M Ghasemi, A Karthikeyan, S Jafari, K Rajagopal
The European Physical Journal Plus 139 (2), 133, 2024
Directed transform function approach for functional network analysis in resting state fMRI data of Parkinson disease
M Ghasemi, A Mahloojifar
2012 19th Iranian Conference of Biomedical Engineering (ICBME), 223-228, 2012
The dynamical analysis of non-uniform neocortical network model in up-down state oscillations
A Sabouri, M Ghasemi, M Mehrabbeik
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 168, 113217, 2023
Effect assessment of Parkinson disease on default mode network of the brain with ICA and SCA methods in Resting State FMRI data
M Ghasemi, A Mahloojifar, M Zarei
2011 1st Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 23-27, 2011
Changes of localized spontaneous activity and connectivity in resting state fMRI data of Parkinson disease
M Ghasemi, A Mahloojifar, M Zarei, A Ferdosi-makan
2010 IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES …, 2010
Changes of functional connectivity and amplitude of fluctuations in resting state fMRI data of Parkinson disease
M Ghasemi, A Mahloojifar, M Zarei, A Ferdosi-makan
2010 17th Iranian Conference of Biomedical Engineering (ICBME), 1-5, 2010
Dynamic Effects Analysis in Fractional Memristor-Based Rulkov Neuron Model
M Ghasemi, ZM Raeissi, A Foroutannia, M Mohammadian, F Shakeriaski
Biomimetics 9 (9), 543, 2024
Chaotic and nonlinear analysis of ECG signal to detect PVC arrhythmia
MG Mohammad-Hossein Emami
The Third Conference on Applied Research in Electrical Engineering, 2023
Dynamical Analysis of Neural Models
A Saburi, S fari, M Ghasemi
SCCS2020, 2020
The effects of quantum spectrum of 4+ n-dimensional water around a DNA on pure water in four dimensional universe
M Fioranelli, A Sepehri, MG Roccia, M Ghasemi
Open Physics 17 (1), 831-838, 2019
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Articles 1–20