Articles with public access mandates - Kristin TurneyLearn more
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Labored love: Examining the link between maternal depression and parenting behaviors
K Turney
Social Science Research 40 (1), 399-415, 2011
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Pathways of disadvantage: Explaining the relationship between maternal depression and children’s problem behaviors
K Turney
Social Science Research 41 (6), 1546-1564, 2012
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Parental incarceration and the transition to adulthood
K Turney, YR Lanuza
Journal of Marriage and Family 79 (5), 1314-1330, 2017
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Incarceration and household asset ownership
K Turney, D Schneider
Demography 53 (6), 2075-2103, 2016
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Perceived instrumental support and children's health across the early life course
K Turney
Social Science & Medicine 95, 34-42, 2013
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Maternal incarceration and the transformation of urban family life
K Turney, C Wildeman
Social Forces 96 (3), 1155-1182, 2018
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Chains of adversity: The time-varying consequences of paternal incarceration for adolescent behavior
K Turney
Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1-38, 2022
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Connecting models of family stress to inequality: Parental arrest and family life
K Turney, NF Sugie
Journal of Marriage and Family 83 (1), 102-118, 2021
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Parental relationship churning and adolescent well‐being: Examining instability within families
K Turney, S Halpern‐Meekin
Journal of Marriage and Family 82 (3), 965-980, 2020
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Relationship churning and desistance from intimate abuse
S Halpern-Meekin, K Turney
Journal of interpersonal violence 36 (11-12), 5685-5708, 2021
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
The mental health consequences of vicarious adolescent police exposure
K Turney
Social Forces 100 (3), 1142-1169, 2022
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Incarceration and family instability: Considering relationship churning
K Turney, S Halpern‐Meekin
Journal of Marriage and Family 83 (5), 1287-1309, 2021
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
The repercussions of parental depression for perceptions of coparental cooperation
K Turney, JH Hardie
Journal of Marriage and Family 83 (2), 466-481, 2021
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
The long reach of parental incarceration: The case of institutional engagement
YR Lanuza, K Turney
Social Science Research 92, 102485, 2020
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Challenges and opportunities for conducting research on children of incarcerated fathers
K Turney, BL Adams, E Conner, R Goodsell, J Muñiz
Researching children and youth: Methodological issues, strategies, and …, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Family instability and adolescent relationships: The role of parental relationship churning
S Halpern-Meekin, K Turney
Youth & Society 54 (5), 730-765, 2022
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Conducting in-depth interviews with jailed fathers and their family members
K Turney
Moving beyond recidivism: Expanding approaches to research on prisoner …, 2020
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Collateral consequences of incarceration on community
J Muñiz, K Turney
Routledge Handbook on American Prisons, 280-293, 2020
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
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Redefining relationships: Explaining the countervailing consequences of paternal incarceration for parenting
K Turney, C Wildeman
American Sociological Review 78 (6), 949-979, 2013
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
As fathers and felons: Explaining the effects of current and recent incarceration on major depression
K Turney, C Wildeman, J Schnittker
Journal of health and social behavior 53 (4), 465-481, 2012
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
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