Ramzi A Taha
Cited by
Cited by
Cement stabilization of reclaimed asphalt pavement aggregate for road bases and subbases
R Taha, A Al-Harthy, K Al-Shamsi, M Al-Zubeidi
Journal of materials in civil engineering 14 (3), 239-245, 2002
Effect of copper slag as a fine aggregate on the properties of cement mortars and concrete
KS Al-Jabri, AH Al-Saidy, R Taha
Construction and Building Materials 25 (2), 933-938, 2011
Causes, effects, benefits, and remedies of change orders on public construction projects in Oman
AS Alnuaimi, RA Taha, M Al Mohsin, AS Al-Harthi
Journal of construction engineering and management 136 (5), 615-622, 2010
Engineering properties of tire/soil mixtures as a lightweight fill material
E Masad, R Taha, C Ho, T Papagiannakis
Geotechnical testing journal 19 (3), 297-304, 1996
A comparative evaluation of various additives used in the stabilization of expansive soils
AA Al-Rawas, R Taha, JD Nelson, BT Al-Shab, H Al-Siyabi
Geotechnical testing journal 25 (2), 199-209, 2002
The properties of concrete made with fine dune sand
AS Al-Harthy, MA Halim, R Taha, KS Al-Jabri
Construction and building materials 21 (8), 1803-1808, 2007
Effect of copper slag and cement by-pass dust addition on mechanical properties of concrete
KS Al-Jabri, RA Taha, A Al-Hashmi, AS Al-Harthy
Construction and building materials 20 (5), 322-331, 2006
Assessment of alternative management techniques of tank bottom petroleum sludge in Oman
A Al-Futaisi, A Jamrah, B Yaghi, R Taha
Journal of hazardous materials 141 (3), 557-564, 2007
Evaluation of reclaimed asphalt pavement aggregate in road bases and subbases
R Taha, G Ali, A Basma, O Al-Turk
Transportation Research Record 1652 (1), 264-269, 1999
Effect of using wastewater on the properties of high strength concrete
KS Al-Jabri, AH Al-Saidy, R Taha, AJ Al-Kemyani
Procedia Engineering 14, 370-376, 2011
Use of reclaimed asphalt pavement as an aggregate in portland cement concrete
M Delwar, M Fahmy, R Taha
Materials Journal 94 (3), 251-256, 1997
Evaluation of open-graded friction course mixtures containing cellulose fibers and styrene butadiene rubber polymer
HF Hassan, S Al-Oraimi, R Taha
Journal of materials in civil engineering 17 (4), 416-422, 2005
Effect of cement kiln dust (CKD) on mortar and concrete mixtures
AS Al-Harthy, R Taha, F Al-Maamary
Construction and Building Materials 17 (5), 353-360, 2003
Optimum carbon nanotubes’ content for improving flexural and compressive strength of cement paste
MO Mohsen, R Taha, AA Taqa, A Shaat
Construction and Building Materials 150, 395-403, 2017
Potential use of FCC spent catalyst as partial replacement of cement or sand in cement mortars
K Al-Jabri, M Baawain, R Taha, ZS Al-Kamyani, K Al-Shamsi, A Ishtieh
Construction and Building Materials 39, 77-81, 2013
Evaluation of controlled low strength materials containing industrial by-products
RA Taha, AS Alnuaimi, KS Al-Jabri, AS Al-Harthy
Building and Environment 42 (9), 3366-3372, 2007
Use of incinerator ash as a replacement for cement and sand in cement mortars
AA Al-Rawas, AW Hago, R Taha, K Al-Kharousi
Building and Environment 40 (9), 1261-1266, 2005
An overview of waste materials recycling in the Sultanate of Oman
R Taha, A Al-Rawas, K Al-Jabri, A Al-Harthy, H Hassan, S Al-Oraimi
Resources, conservation and recycling 41 (4), 293-306, 2004
The effect of the mineralogy of coarse aggregate on the mechanical properties of high-strength concrete
SK Al-Oraimi, R Taha, HF Hassan
Construction and Building materials 20 (7), 499-503, 2006
Stabilisation of desert sands using cement and cement dust
MY Al-Aghbari, YEA Mohamedzein, R Taha
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Ground Improvement 162 (3 …, 2009
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Articles 1–20