Seheon Kim
Cited by
Cited by
Heterogeneous hazard model of PEV users charging intervals: Analysis of four year charging transactions data
S Kim, D Yang, S Rasouli, H Timmermans
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 82, 248-260, 2017
The influence of latent lifestyle on acceptance of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS): A hierarchical latent variable and latent class approach
S Kim, S Rasouli
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 159, 304-319, 2022
Estimating vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in urban areas using regression kriging
S Kim, D Park, TY Heo, H Kim, D Hong
Journal of Advanced Transportation 50 (5), 769-785, 2016
Albatross IV: from single day to multi time horizon travel demand forecasting
S Rasouli, S Kim, D Yang
97th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2018
Autonomous vehicle transportation service for people with disabilities: Policy recommendations based on the evidence from hybrid choice model
J Hwang, S Kim
Journal of transport geography 106, 103499, 2023
Estimating panel effects in probabilistic representations of dynamic decision trees using bayesian generalized linear mixture models
S Kim, S Rasouli, H Timmermans, D Yang
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 111, 168-184, 2018
A scenario-based stochastic programming approach for the public charging station location problem
S Kim, S Rasouli, HJP Timmermans, D Yang
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 10 (1), 340-367, 2022
Modeling courier vehicles’ travel behavior: Case of Seoul, South Korea
S Kim, D Park, S Kim, H Park
Transportation Research Record 2410 (1), 67-75, 2014
The influence of latent lifestyle on acceptance of Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
S Kim, S Rasouli
6th International Choice Modelling Conference, 2019
COMOKIT-Albatross: An agent-based, activity-based model on COVID-19 simulation
S Kim, R Soora, K Chapuis, S Bhamidipati, A Brugière
1st conference GAMA Days 2021, 2021
Periodicity analysis of charging behavior of electric car drivers: Latent class hazard models
S Kim, D Yang, S Rasouli
13th International Conference on Design and Decision Support Systems in …, 2016
Modelling the impacts of COVID-19 measures on activity-travel behavior in the Netherlands: A MDCEV framework
S Kim, S Rasouli
7th International Choice Modelling Conference (ICMC), 2022
Predicting multimodal trips and sub-trips: simultaneous vs. sequential approach
P Labee, S Rasouli, S Kim
Heterogeneity in inter-episode intervals for discretionary activities; covariate-dependent finite-mixture models
P Labee, S Rasouli, S Kim
7th International Choice Modelling Conference (ICMC), 2022
Locating electric vehicle charging stations: a multi-agent based dynamic simulation
S Kim
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2020
A two-stage stochastic programming approach for the electric vehicle public charging station location problem under uncertain dynamic household activity-travel demand
S Kim, S Rasouli, H Timmermans, D Yang
98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 19-04091, 2019
A priority based approach to dynamic multi-day activity generation: illustrated with PEV users’ charging behavior
S Kim, S Rasouli, HJP Timmermans, D Yang
15th international conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR2018), 2018
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