Monique Raats
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Cited by
A review of food safety and food hygiene training studies in the commercial sector
MB Egan, MM Raats, SM Grubb, A Eves, ML Lumbers, MS Dean, ...
Food control 18 (10), 1180-1190, 2007
The Role of Self‐Identity, Past Behavior, and Their Interaction in Predicting Intention to Purchase Fresh and Processed Organic Food1
M Dean, MM Raats, R Shepherd
Journal of applied social psychology 42 (3), 669-688, 2012
Moral Concerns and Consumer Choice of Fresh and Processed Organic Foods1
M Dean, MM Raats, R Shepherd
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 38 (8), 2088-2107, 2008
A measure of satisfaction with food-related life
KG Grunert, M Dean, MM Raats, NA Nielsen, M Lumbers
Appetite 49 (2), 486-493, 2007
Including Moral Dimensions of Choice Within the Structure of the Theory of Planned Behavior1
MM Raats, R Shepherd, P Sparks
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 25 (6), 484-494, 1995
Problems in identifying predictors and correlates of weight loss and maintenance: implications for weight control therapies based on behaviour change
J Stubbs, S Whybrow, P Teixeira, J Blundell, C Lawton, J Westenhoefer, ...
Obesity reviews 12 (9), 688-708, 2011
Domestic cooking and food skills: A review
L McGowan, M Caraher, M Raats, F Lavelle, L Hollywood, D McDowell, ...
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 57 (11), 2412-2431, 2017
The psychology of food choice
R Shepherd, M Raats
Cabi, 2006
Effects of nutrition label format and product assortment on the healthfulness of food choice
J Aschemann-Witzel, KG Grunert, HCM van Trijp, S Bialkova, MM Raats, ...
Appetite 71, 63-74, 2013
Learning cooking skills at different ages: a cross-sectional study
F Lavelle, M Spence, L Hollywood, L McGowan, D Surgenor, A McCloat, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 13, 1-11, 2016
Understanding how consumers categorise nutritional labels: a consumer derived typology for front-of-pack nutrition labelling
C Hodgkins, J Barnett, G Wasowicz-Kirylo, M Stysko-Kunkowska, ...
Appetite 59 (3), 806-817, 2012
Barriers and facilitators to cooking from ‘scratch’using basic or raw ingredients: A qualitative interview study
F Lavelle, L McGowan, M Spence, M Caraher, MM Raats, L Hollywood, ...
Appetite 107, 383-391, 2016
Factors influencing eating a varied diet in old age
M Dean, MM Raats, KG Grunert, M Lumbers
Public health nutrition 12 (12), 2421-2427, 2009
Processed food classification: Conceptualisation and challenges
CR Sadler, T Grassby, K Hart, M Raats, M Sokolović, L Timotijevic
Trends in Food Science & Technology 112, 149-162, 2021
Usage of plant food supplements across six European countries: findings from the PlantLIBRA consumer survey
A Garcia-Alvarez, B Egan, S De Klein, L Dima, FM Maggi, M Isoniemi, ...
PloS one 9 (3), e92265, 2014
Consumer perceptions of healthy cereal products and production methods
M Dean, R Shepherd, A Arvola, M Vassallo, M Winkelmann, E Claupein, ...
Journal of Cereal Science 46 (3), 188-196, 2007
Current micronutrient recommendations in Europe: towards understanding their differences and similarities
EL Doets, LS de Wit, RAM Dhonukshe-Rutten, AEJM Cavelaars, ...
European journal of nutrition 47, 17-40, 2008
Nutritional risk of European elderly
C De Morais, B Oliveira, C Afonso, M Lumbers, M Raats, ...
European journal of clinical nutrition 67 (11), 1215-1219, 2013
Comprehension and use of UK nutrition signpost labelling schemes
S Malam, S Clegg, S Kirwan, S McGinigal, MM Raats, R Shepherd, ...
Food Standards Agency, 2009
Attitudes and beliefs in food habits
R Shepherd, MM Raats
Food choice, acceptance and consumption, 346-364, 1996
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Articles 1–20