Alex Main
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Cited by
The shifted boundary method for embedded domain computations. Part I: Poisson and Stokes problems
A Main, G Scovazzi
Journal of Computational Physics 372, 972-995, 2018
Dynamic implosion of underwater cylindrical shells: Experiments and Computations
C Farhat, KG Wang, A Main, S Kyriakides, LH Lee, K Ravi-Chandar, ...
International Journal of Solids and Structures 50 (19), 2943-2961, 2013
The shifted boundary method for embedded domain computations. Part II: Linear advection–diffusion and incompressible Navier–Stokes equations
A Main, G Scovazzi
Journal of Computational Physics 372, 996-1026, 2018
The shifted boundary method for hyperbolic systems: Embedded domain computations of linear waves and shallow water flows
T Song, A Main, G Scovazzi, M Ricchiuto
Journal of Computational Physics 369, 45-79, 2018
Computational algorithms for tracking dynamic fluid–structure interfaces in embedded boundary methods
K Wang, J Grétarsson, A Main, C Farhat
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 70 (4), 515-535, 2012
The shifted interface method: a flexible approach to embedded interface computations
K Li, NM Atallah, GA Main, G Scovazzi
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 121 (3), 492-518, 2020
An enhanced FIVER method for multi-material flow problems with second-order convergence rate
A Main, X Zeng, P Avery, C Farhat
Journal of Computational Physics 329, 141-172, 2017
A stable partitioned FSI algorithm for incompressible flow and deforming beams
L Li, WD Henshaw, JW Banks, DW Schwendeman, A Main
Journal of computational Physics 312, 272-306, 2016
An embedded boundary framework for compressible turbulent flow and fluid–structure computations on structured and unstructured grids
V Lakshminarayan, C Farhat, A Main
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 76 (6), 366-395, 2014
A second-order time-accurate implicit finite volume method with exact two-phase Riemann problems for compressible multi-phase fluid and fluid–structure problems
A Main, C Farhat
Journal of Computational Physics 258, 613-633, 2014
A weighted shifted boundary method for free surface flow problems
O Colomés, A Main, L Nouveau, G Scovazzi
Journal of Computational Physics 424, 109837, 2021
Predictive simulation of underwater implosion: Coupling multi-material compressible fluids with cracking structures
KG Wang, P Lea, A Main, O McGarity, C Farhat
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 45509 …, 2014
Robin‐Neumann transmission conditions for fluid‐structure coupling: embedded boundary implementation and parameter analysis
S Cao, A Main, KG Wang
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 115 (5), 578-603, 2018
Computational algorithms for tracking dynamic fluid-structure interfaces in embedded/immersed boundary methods
K Wang, J Gretarsson, A Main, C Farhat
20th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 3385, 2011
An embedded boundary method for viscous fluid/structure interaction problems and application to flexible flapping wings
C Farhat, A Larat, A Main, P Avery, K Wang, C Saint-Jalm
42nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 2688, 2012
Dual-scale Galerkin methods for Darcy flow
G Wang, G Scovazzi, L Nouveau, CE Kees, S Rossi, O Colomés, A Main
Journal of Computational Physics 354, 111-134, 2018
A study of fluid-structure interaction on overlapping grids with a focus on flexible beams
GA Main
Lawrence Livermore National Lab.(LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States), 2013
A weighted shifted boundary method for immersed moving boundary simulations of Stokes' flow
D Xu, O Colomés, A Main, K Li, NM Atallah, N Abboud, G Scovazzi
Journal of Computational Physics 510, 113095, 2024
An Eulerian-ALE embedded boundary method for turbulent fluid-structure interaction problems
V Lakshminarayan, A Main, K Wang, C Farhat
43rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2013
Method and system for real-time simulations using convergence stopping criterion
RD Borker, A Main
US Patent App. 18/096,009, 2023
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Articles 1–20