Samuel Romero
Samuel Romero
University of Granada - Dept. of Computer Architecture
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Cited by
Toward the development of a cortically based visual neuroprosthesis
RA Normann, BA Greger, P House, SF Romero, F Pelayo, E Fernandez
Journal of neural engineering 6 (3), 035001, 2009
Development of a cortical visual neuroprosthesis for the blind: the relevance of neuroplasticity
E Fernandez, F Pelayo, S Romero, M Bongard, C Marin, A Alfaro, ...
Journal of neural engineering 2 (4), R1, 2005
Monitoring driver fatigue using a single-channel electroencephalographic device: A validation study by gaze-based, driving performance, and subjective data
JM Morales, C Díaz-Piedra, H Rieiro, J Roca-González, S Romero, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 109, 62-69, 2017
Validation of electroencephalographic recordings obtained with a consumer-grade, single dry electrode, low-cost device: A comparative study
H Rieiro, C Diaz-Piedra, JM Morales, A Catena, S Romero, ...
Sensors 19 (12), 2808, 2019
An auditory brain–computer interface evoked by natural speech
MA Lopez-Gordo, E Fernandez, S Romero, F Pelayo, A Prieto
Journal of neural engineering 9 (3), 036013, 2012
Translating image sequences into spike patterns for cortical neuro-stimulation
FJ Pelayo, S Romero, CA Morillas, A Martı́nez, E Ros, E Fernández
Neurocomputing 58, 885-892, 2004
A design framework to model retinas
CA Morillas, SF Romero, A Martínez, FJ Pelayo, E Ros, E Fernández
Biosystems 87 (2-3), 156-163, 2007
A neuroengineering suite of computational tools for visual prostheses
C Morillas, S Romero, A Martínez, F Pelayo, L Reyneri, M Bongard, ...
Neurocomputing 70 (16-18), 2817-2827, 2007
A cross-cultural comparison of visual search strategies and response times in road hazard perception testing
LL Di Stasi, C Diaz-Piedra, JM Morales, A Kurapov, M Tagliabue, A Bjärtå, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 148, 105785, 2020
Cortical visual neuro-prosthesis for the blind: retina-like software/hardware preprocessor
FJ Pelayo, A Martinez, S Romero, CA Morillas, E Ros, E Fernández
First International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 2003 …, 2003
Automatic generation of bio-inspired retina-like processing hardware
A Martínez, L Reyneri, F Pelayo, S Romero, C Morillas, B Pino
Computational Intelligence and Bioinspired Systems, 461-465, 2005
T cell–depleted related HLA-mismatched peripheral blood stem cell transplantation as salvage therapy for graft failure after single unit unrelated donor umbilical cord blood …
F Moscardó, S Romero, J Sanz, MA Sanz, P Montesinos, I Lorenzo, ...
Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 20 (7), 1060-1063, 2014
Pre-processor for bioinspired optical flow models: a customizable hardware implementation
G Botella, E Ros, M Rodriguez, A Garcia, S Romero
MELECON 2006-2006 IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 93-96, 2006
A computational tool to test neuromorphic encoding schemes for visual neuroprostheses
CA Morillas, SF Romero, A Martinez, FJ Pelayo, E Fernández
Computational Intelligence and Bioinspired Systems: 8th International Work …, 2005
Low-cost EEG multi-subject recording platform for the assessment of students’ attention and the estimation of academic performance in secondary school
VJ Fuentes-Martinez, S Romero, MA Lopez-Gordo, J Minguillon, ...
Sensors 23 (23), 9361, 2023
Computer-Controlled Neurostimulation for a Visual Implant.
SF Romero, CA Morillas, FJ Pelayo, E Fernandez
BIODEVICES (1), 84-91, 2008
Reconfigurable retina-like preprocessing platform for cortical visual neuroprostheses
S Romero, FJ Pelayo, CA Morillas, A Martínez, E Fernández
Handbook of Neural Engineering, 267-279, 2006
Retina-like processing and coding platform for cortical neuro-stimulation
F Pelayo, A Martinez, CA Morillas, S Romero, L Sousa, P Tomás
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2003. Proceedings of the 25th …, 2003
Real-time monitoring of biomedical signals to improve road safety
JM Morales, LL Di Stasi, C Díaz-Piedra, C Morillas, S Romero
Advances in Computational Intelligence: 13th International Work-Conference …, 2015
Low-cost remote monitoring of biomedical signals
JM Morales, C Díaz-Piedra, LL Di Stasi, P Martínez-Cañada, S Romero
International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and …, 2015
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Articles 1–20