Jennifer D. Ryan
Jennifer D. Ryan
Senior Scientist, Rotman Research Institute; University of Toronto
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Angry, disgusted, or afraid? Studies on the malleability of emotion perception
H Aviezer, RR Hassin, J Ryan, C Grady, J Susskind, A Anderson, ...
Psychological Science 19 (7), 724-732, 2008
Executive control in a modified antisaccade task: Effects of aging and bilingualism.
E Bialystok, FIM Craik, J Ryan
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 32 (6), 1341, 2006
Amnesia is a deficit in relational memory
JD Ryan, RR Althoff, S Whitlow, NJ Cohen
Psychological Science 11 (6), 454-461, 2000
Hippocampal system and declarative (relational) memory: summarizing the data from functional neuroimaging studies
NJ Cohen, J Ryan, C Hunt, L Romine, T Wszalek, C Nash
Hippocampus 9 (1), 83-98, 1999
The hippocampus supports multiple cognitive processes through relational binding and comparison
RK Olsen, SN Moses, L Riggs, JD Ryan
Frontiers in human neuroscience 6, 2012
Worth a glance: using eye movements to investigate the cognitive neuroscience of memory
DE Hannula, RR Althoff, DE Warren, L Riggs, NJ Cohen, JD Ryan
Frontiers in human neuroscience 4 (166), 2010
Rapid onset relational memory effects are evident in eye movement behavior, but not in hippocampal amnesia
DE Hannula, JD Ryan, D Tranel, NJ Cohen
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 19 (10), 1690-1705, 2007
The obligatory effects of memory on eye movements
JD Ryan, DE Hannula, NJ Cohen
Memory 15 (5), 508-525, 2007
Eyes always attract attention but gaze orienting is task-dependent: Evidence from eye movement monitoring
RJ Itier, C Villate, JD Ryan
Neuropsychologia 45 (5), 1019-1028, 2007
A comparison and evaluation of the predictions of relational and conjunctive accounts of hippocampal function
SN Moses, JD Ryan
Hippocampus 16 (1), 43-65, 2006
Age-related deficits in face recognition are related to underlying changes in scanning behavior
A Firestone, NB Turk-Browne, JD Ryan
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 14 (6), 594-607, 2007
Processing and short-term retention of relational information in amnesia
JD Ryan, NJ Cohen
Neuropsychologia 42 (4), 497-511, 2004
Pilot randomized controlled trial investigating cognitive strategy use to improve goal performance after stroke
HJ Polatajko, SE McEwen, JD Ryan, CM Baum
The American journal of occupational therapy 66 (1), 104-109, 2012
The nature of change detection and online representations of scenes.
JD Ryan, NJ Cohen
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 30 (5), 988, 2004
Visual sampling predicts hippocampal activity
ZX Liu, K Shen, RK Olsen, JD Ryan
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (3), 599-609, 2017
Recognition memory impairments caused by false recognition of novel objects.
LK Yeung, JD Ryan, RA Cowell, MD Barense
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (4), 1384, 2013
Cognitive strategy use to enhance motor skill acquisition post-stroke: a critical review
SE McEwen, MPJ Huijbregts, JD Ryan, HJ Polatajko
Brain Injury 23 (4), 263-277, 2009
Eye movements actively reinstate spatiotemporal mnemonic content
JS Wynn, K Shen, JD Ryan
Vision 3 (2), 21, 2019
Exploring a cognitive-based treatment approach to improve motor-based skill performance in chronic stroke: results of three single case experiments
SE McEwen, HJ Polatajko, MPJ Huijbregts, JD Ryan
Brain Injury 23 (13-14), 1041-1053, 2009
Human anterolateral entorhinal cortex volumes are associated with cognitive decline in aging prior to clinical diagnosis
RK Olsen, LK Yeung, A Noly-Gandon, MC D'Angelo, A Kacollja, VM Smith, ...
Neurobiology of aging 57, 195-205, 2017
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