Mikhail Itskov
Mikhail Itskov
Professor of Continuum Mechanics, RWTH Aachen University
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Tensor algebra and tensor analysis for engineers
M Itskov
Springer, 2009
A class of orthotropic and transversely isotropic hyperelastic constitutive models based on a polyconvex strain energy function
M Itskov, N Aksel
International journal of solids and structures 41 (14), 3833-3848, 2004
A network evolution model for the anisotropic Mullins effect in carbon black filled rubbers
R Dargazany, M Itskov
International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (16), 2967-2977, 2009
Constitutive artificial neural networks: A fast and general approach to predictive data-driven constitutive modeling by deep learning
K Linka, M Hillgärtner, KP Abdolazizi, RC Aydin, M Itskov, CJ Cyron
Journal of Computational Physics 429, 110010, 2021
A polyconvex hyperelastic model for fiber-reinforced materials in application to soft tissues
AE Ehret, M Itskov
Journal of Materials Science 42, 8853-8863, 2007
On the theory of fourth-order tensors and their applications in computational mechanics
M Itskov
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 189 (2), 419-438, 2000
Modeling of anisotropic softening phenomena: application to soft biological tissues
AE Ehret, M Itskov
International Journal of Plasticity 25 (5), 901-919, 2009
Numerical integration on the sphere and its effect on the material symmetry of constitutive equations—a comparative study
AE Ehret, M Itskov, H Schmid
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 81 (2), 189-206, 2010
A continuum constitutive model for the active behaviour of skeletal muscle
AE Ehret, M Böl, M Itskov
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 59 (3), 625-636, 2011
Analytical network-averaging of the tube model:: Rubber elasticity
VN Khiêm, M Itskov
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 95, 254-269, 2016
Constitutive modeling of the Mullins effect and cyclic stress softening in filled elastomers
R Dargazany, M Itskov
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (1 …, 2013
Elastic constants and their admissible values for incompressible and slightly compressible anisotropic materials
M Itskov, N Aksel
Acta Mechanica 157, 81-96, 2002
A polyconvex anisotropic strain–energy function for soft collagenous tissues
M Itskov, AE Ehret, D Mavrilas
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 5 (1), 17-26, 2006
Composite laminates: nonlinear interlaminar stress analysis by multi-layer shell elements
Y Başar, M Itskov, A Eckstein
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 185 (2-4), 367-397, 2000
Mechanics of nanostructured porous silica aerogel resulting from molecular dynamics simulations
SP Patil, A Rege, Sagardas, M Itskov, B Markert
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121 (22), 5660-5668, 2017
A generalized network decomposition model for the quasi-static inelastic behavior of filled elastomers
R Dargazany, VN Khiêm, M Itskov
International Journal of Plasticity 63, 94-109, 2014
Constitutive modeling of strain-induced crystallization in filled rubbers
R Dargazany, VN Khiêm, EA Poshtan, M Itskov
Physical Review E 89 (2), 022604, 2014
On the application of the additive decomposition of generalized strain measures in large strain plasticity
M Itskov
Mechanics Research Communications 31 (5), 507-517, 2004
A generalized orthotropic hyperelastic material model with application to incompressible shells
M Itskov
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 50 (8), 1777-1799, 2001
Taylor expansion of the inverse function with application to the Langevin function
M Itskov, R Dargazany, K Hörnes
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 17 (7), 693-701, 2012
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Articles 1–20