A F M Azevedo
A F M Azevedo
Assistant Professor, University of Porto
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Método dos elementos finitos
ÁFM Azevedo
Faculdade de Engenharia da universidade do Porto 1 (7), 2003
Bond behavior of near-surface mounted CFRP laminate strips under monotonic and cyclic loading
JM Sena Cruz, JAO Barros, R Gettu, ÁFM Azevedo
Journal of Composites for Construction 10 (4), 295-303, 2006
Near surface mounted CFRP strips for the flexural strengthening of RC columns: Experimental and numerical research
JAO Barros, RK Varma, JM Sena-Cruz, AFM Azevedo
Engineering Structures 30 (12), 3412-3425, 2008
A direct method for analyzing the vertical vehicle–structure interaction
SGM Neves, AFM Azevedo, R Calçada
Engineering Structures 34, 414-420, 2012
A direct method for analyzing the nonlinear vehicle–structure interaction
SGM Neves, PA Montenegro, AFM Azevedo, R Calçada
Engineering Structures 69, 83-89, 2014
Numerical simulation of the nonlinear behavior of RC beams strengthened with NSM CFRP strips
J Sena-Cruz, JAO Barros, ÁFM Azevedo, AV Gouveia
Associação Portuguesa de Mecânica Teórica, Aplicada e Computacional (APMTAC), 2007
Multi-fixed smeared 3D crack model to simulate the behavior of fiber reinforced concrete structures
AV Gouveia, JAO Barros, ÁFM Azevedo, J Sena-Cruz
Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia (FEUP), 2008
A nonlinear vehicle-structure interaction methodology with wheel-rail detachment and reattachment
PA Montenegro, S Neves, AFM Azevedo, R Calçada
ECCOMAS European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, 2013
Elasto-plastic multi-fixed smeared crack model for concrete
J Sena-Cruz, JAO Barros, ÁFM Azevedo
Universidade do Minho. Departamento de Engenharia Civil (DEC), 2004
Crack constitutive model for the prediction of punching failure modes of fiber reinforced concrete laminar structures
JAO Barros, AV Gouveia, AFM Azevedo
Elsevier 1, 2011
Stress-crack opening relationship of enhanced performance concrete
J Sena-Cruz, JAO Barros, AR Fernandes, ÁFM Azevedo, A Camões
Software no ensino e no projecto de estruturas
ÁFM Azevedo, JAO Barros, J Sena-Cruz, AV Gouveia
Software in structural engineering education and design
AFM Azevedo, JAO Barros, JM Sena-Cruz, AV Gouveia
III Portuguese-Mozambican Conference of Engineering, 81-92, 2003
Formulation of the boundary element method in the wavenumber–frequency domain based on the thin layer method
JM de Oliveira Barbosa, E Kausel, Á Azevedo, R Calçada
Computers & Structures 161, 1-16, 2015
Mecânica dos sólidos
Á Azevedo
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, 1996
Design methods for steel fiber reinforced concrete industrial floors
JAO Barros, AV Gouveia, J Sena-Cruz, ÁFM Azevedo, JAB Antunes
Characterization of Oral Enterobacteriaceae Prevalence and Resistance Profile in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Undergoing Peritoneal Dialysis
CFFA Costa, A Merino-Ribas, C Ferreira, C Campos, N Silva, L Pereira, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 736685, 2021
Modelling and analysis of the dynamic response of a railway viaduct using an accurate and efficient algorithm
SGM Neves, PA Montenegro, PFM Jorge, R Calçada, AFM Azevedo
Engineering Structures 226, 111308, 2021
Optimização de estruturas com comportamento linear e não linear
ÁFM Azevedo
PQDT-Global, 1994
Manual de utilização do programa FEMIX-versão 2.1
AFM Azevedo, JAO Barros
Porto, 1995
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Articles 1–20