Serafim Kalliadasis
Serafim Kalliadasis
Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College
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Falling liquid films
S Kalliadasis, C Ruyer-Quil, B Scheid, MG Velarde
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Steady free-surface thin film flows over topography
S Kalliadasis, C Bielarz, GM Homsy
Physics of Fluids 12 (8), 1889-1898, 2000
Drop formation during coating of vertical fibres
S Kalliadasis, HC Chang
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 261, 135-168, 1994
Marangoni instability of a thin liquid film heated from below by a local heat source
S Kalliadasis, A Kiyashko, EA Demekhin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 475, 377-408, 2003
Thermocapillary instability and wave formation on a film falling down a uniformly heated plane
S Kalliadasis, EA Demekhin, C Ruyer-Quil, MG Velarde
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 492, 303-338, 2003
Absolute and convective instabilities of a viscous film flowing down a vertical fiber
C Duprat, C Ruyer-Quil, S Kalliadasis, F Giorgiutti-Dauphiné
Physical review letters 98 (24), 244502, 2007
Modelling film flows down a fibre
C Ruyer-Quil, P Treveleyan, F Giorgiutti-Dauphiné, C Duprat, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 603, 431-462, 2008
Thermocapillary long waves in a liquid film flow. Part 1. Low-dimensional formulation
C Ruyer-Quil, B Scheid, S Kalliadasis, MG Velarde, RK Zeytounian
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 538, 199-222, 2005
Two-dimensional droplet spreading over random topographical substrates
N Savva, S Kalliadasis, GA Pavliotis
Physical review letters 104 (8), 084501, 2010
Thermocapillary long waves in a liquid film flow. Part 2. Linear stability and nonlinear waves
B Scheid, C Ruyer-Quil, S Kalliadasis, MG Velarde, RK Zeytounian
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 538, 223-244, 2005
Stability of free-surface thin-film flows over topography
S Kalliadasis, GM Homsy
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 448, 387-410, 2001
General dynamical density functional theory for classical fluids
BD Goddard, A Nold, N Savva, GA Pavliotis, S Kalliadasis
Physical review letters 109 (12), 120603, 2012
Heated falling films
PMJ Trevelyan, B Scheid, C Ruyer-Quil, S Kalliadasis
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 592, 295-334, 2007
Apparent dynamic contact angle of an advancing gas–liquid meniscus
S Kalliadasis, HC Chang
Physics of Fluids 6 (1), 12-23, 1994
Dynamics of moving contact lines: A comparison between slip and precursor film models
N Savva, S Kalliadasis
Europhysics Letters 94 (6), 64004, 2011
Nonlinear waves in counter-current gas–liquid film flow
D Tseluiko, S Kalliadasis
Journal of fluid mechanics 673, 19-59, 2011
Two-dimensional droplet spreading over topographical substrates
N Savva, S Kalliadasis
Physics of Fluids 21 (9), 2009
Thin films of soft matter
S Kalliadasis, U Thiele
Springer, 2007
Three-dimensional localized coherent structures of surface turbulence. I. Scenarios of two-dimensional–three-dimensional transition
EA Demekhin, EN Kalaidin, S Kalliadasis, SY Vlaskin
Physics of fluids 19 (11), 2007
Rayleigh–Taylor instability of reaction-diffusion acidity fronts
J Yang, A D’Onofrio, S Kalliadasis, A De Wit
The Journal of chemical physics 117 (20), 9395-9408, 2002
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Articles 1–20