Dylan M Owen
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Cited by
Fast live-cell conventional fluorophore nanoscopy with ImageJ through super-resolution radial fluctuations
N Gustafsson, S Culley, G Ashdown, DM Owen, PM Pereira, R Henriques
Nature communications 7 (1), 12471, 2016
Quantitative imaging of membrane lipid order in cells and organisms
DM Owen, C Rentero, A Magenau, A Abu-Siniyeh, K Gaus
Nature protocols 7 (1), 24-35, 2012
Pre-existing clusters of the adaptor Lat do not participate in early T cell signaling events
DJ Williamson, DM Owen, J Rossy, A Magenau, M Wehrmann, ...
Nature immunology 12 (7), 655-662, 2011
Sub-resolution lipid domains exist in the plasma membrane and regulate protein diffusion and distribution
DM Owen, DJ Williamson, A Magenau, K Gaus
Nature communications 3 (1), 1256, 2012
PALM imaging and cluster analysis of protein heterogeneity at the cell surface
DM Owen, C Rentero, J Rossy, A Magenau, D Williamson, M Rodriguez, ...
Journal of biophotonics 3 (7), 446-454, 2010
Conformational states of the kinase Lck regulate clustering in early T cell signaling
J Rossy, DM Owen, DJ Williamson, Z Yang, K Gaus
Nature immunology 14 (1), 82-89, 2013
Differential effects of lipids and lyso-lipids on the mechanosensitivity of the mechanosensitive channels MscL and MscS
T Nomura, CG Cranfield, E Deplazes, DM Owen, A Macmillan, AR Battle, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (22), 8770-8775, 2012
The lipid raft hypothesis revisited–New insights on raft composition and function from super‐resolution fluorescence microscopy
DM Owen, A Magenau, D Williamson, K Gaus
Bioessays 34 (9), 739-747, 2012
Turning single-molecule localization microscopy into a quantitative bioanalytical tool
PR Nicovich, DM Owen, K Gaus
Nature protocols 12 (3), 453-460, 2017
Fluorescence lifetime imaging provides enhanced contrast when imaging the phase-sensitive dye di-4-ANEPPDHQ in model membranes and live cells
DM Owen, PMP Lanigan, C Dunsby, I Munro, D Grant, MAA Neil, ...
Biophysical journal 90 (11), L80-L82, 2006
Quantitative microscopy: protein dynamics and membrane organisation
DM Owen, D Williamson, C Rentero, K Gaus
Traffic 10 (8), 962-971, 2009
Dynamics of subsynaptic vesicles and surface microclusters at the immunological synapse
MA Purbhoo, H Liu, S Oddos, DM Owen, MAA Neil, SV Pageon, ...
Science signaling 3 (121), ra36-ra36, 2010
Bayesian cluster identification in single-molecule localization microscopy data
P Rubin-Delanchy, GL Burn, J Griffié, DJ Williamson, NA Heard, AP Cope, ...
Nature methods 12 (11), 1072-1076, 2015
Clustering of glycoprotein VI (GPVI) dimers upon adhesion to collagen as a mechanism to regulate GPVI signaling in platelets
NS Poulter, AY Pollitt, DM Owen, EE Gardiner, RK Andrews, H Shimizu, ...
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 15 (3), 549-564, 2017
Platelet actin nodules are podosome-like structures dependent on Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein and ARP2/3 complex
NS Poulter, AY Pollitt, A Davies, D Malinova, GB Nash, MJ Hannon, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7254, 2015
The ternary Rab27a–Myrip–Myosin VIIa complex regulates melanosome motility in the retinal pigment epithelium
VS Lopes, JS Ramalho, DM Owen, MO Karl, O Strauss, CE Futter, ...
Traffic 8 (5), 486-499, 2007
High speed optically sectioned fluorescence lifetime imaging permits study of live cell signaling events
DM Grant, J McGinty, EJ McGhee, TD Bunney, DM Owen, CB Talbot, ...
Optics express 15 (24), 15656-15673, 2007
Multifocal multiphoton excitation and time correlated single photon counting detection for 3-D fluorescence lifetime imaging
S Kumar, C Dunsby, PAAD Beule, DM Owen, U Anand, PMP Lanigan, ...
Optics Express 15 (20), 12548-12561, 2007
The relationship between fenestrations, sieve plates and rafts in liver sinusoidal endothelial cells
D Svistounov, A Warren, GP McNerney, DM Owen, D Zencak, SN Zykova, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e46134, 2012
High plasma membrane lipid order imaged at the immunological synapse periphery in live T cells
DM Owen, S Oddos, S Kumar, DM Davis, MAA Neil, PMW French, ...
Molecular membrane biology 27 (4-6), 178-189, 2010
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Articles 1–20