Estimating groundwater vulnerability to pollution using a modified DRASTIC model in the Kerman agricultural area, Iran A Neshat, B Pradhan, S Pirasteh, HZM Shafri Environmental earth sciences 71, 3119-3131, 2014 | 306 | 2014 |
The performance of maximum likelihood, spectral angle mapper, neural network and decision tree classifiers in hyperspectral image analysis HZM Shafri, A Suhaili, S Mansor Journal of Computer Science 3 (6), 419-423, 2007 | 287 | 2007 |
Image classification in remote sensing J Al-Doski, SB Mansorl, HZM Shafri Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University Putra …, 2013 | 191 | 2013 |
Hyperspectral imagery for mapping disease infection in oil palm plantationusing vegetation indices and red edge techniques HZM Shafri, N Hamdan American Journal of Applied Sciences 6 (6), 1031, 2009 | 185 | 2009 |
Lineament mapping and its application in landslide hazard assessment: a review MF Ramli, N Yusof, MK Yusoff, H Juahir, HZM Shafri Bulletin of engineering Geology and the Environment 69, 215-233, 2010 | 178 | 2010 |
Oil palm fruit bunch grading system using red, green and blue digital number. MSM Alfatni, ARM Shariff, HZM Shafri, OMB Saaed, OM Eshanta | 160 | 2008 |
Young and mature oil palm tree detection and counting using convolutional neural network deep learning method NA Mubin, E Nadarajoo, HZM Shafri, A Hamedianfar International Journal of Remote Sensing 40 (19), 7500-7515, 2019 | 159 | 2019 |
A review on hyperspectral remote sensing for homogeneous and heterogeneous forest biodiversity assessment A Ghiyamat, HZM Shafri International Journal of Remote Sensing 31 (7), 1837-1856, 2010 | 151 | 2010 |
Spatio-temporal analysis of urban growth from remote sensing data in Bandar Abbas city, Iran M Dadras, HZM Shafri, N Ahmad, B Pradhan, S Safarpour The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 18 (1), 35-52, 2015 | 139 | 2015 |
Therapeutic potential of the haruan (Channa striatus): from food to medicinal uses. M Shafri, MJ Abdul Manan Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 18 (1), 2012 | 138 | 2012 |
Early detection of basal stem rot disease (Ganoderma) in oil palms based on hyperspectral reflectance data using pattern recognition algorithms S Liaghat, R Ehsani, S Mansor, HZM Shafri, S Meon, S Sankaran, ... International Journal of Remote Sensing 35 (10), 3427-3439, 2014 | 132 | 2014 |
Data fusion technique using wavelet transform and Taguchi methods for automatic landslide detection from airborne laser scanning data and quickbird satellite imagery B Pradhan, MN Jebur, HZM Shafri, MS Tehrany IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and remote sensing 54 (3), 1610-1622, 2015 | 124 | 2015 |
NDVI differencing and post-classification to detect vegetation changes in Halabja City, Iraq J Al-Doski, SB Mansor, HZM Shafri IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics 1 (2), 01-10, 2013 | 118 | 2013 |
Spectral discrimination of healthy and Ganoderma-infected oil palms from hyperspectral data HZM Shafri, MI Anuar, IA Seman, NM Noor International journal of remote sensing 32 (22), 7111-7129, 2011 | 116 | 2011 |
An analysis of LULC change detection using remotely sensed data; A Case study of Bauchi City KM Kafi, HZM Shafri, ABM Shariff IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science 20 (1), 012056, 2014 | 112 | 2014 |
Validation of SWAT model for stream flow simulation and forecasting in Upper Bernam humid tropical river basin, Malaysia AW Alansi, MSM Amin, G Abdul Halim, HZM Shafri, W Aimrun Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 6 (6), 7581-7609, 2009 | 111 | 2009 |
Classification of oil palm fresh fruit bunches based on their maturity using portable four-band sensor system OMB Saeed, S Sankaran, ARM Shariff, HZM Shafri, R Ehsani, MS Alfatni, ... Computers and electronics in agriculture 82, 55-60, 2012 | 108 | 2012 |
Semi-automatic detection and counting of oil palm trees from high spatial resolution airborne imagery HZM Shafri, N Hamdan, MI Saripan International journal of remote sensing 32 (8), 2095-2115, 2011 | 106 | 2011 |
Hyperspectral remote sensing of vegetation using red edge position techniques HZM Shafri, MAM Salleh, A Ghiyamat American Journal of Applied Sciences 3 (6), 1864-1871, 2006 | 102 | 2006 |
Optimized neural architecture for automatic landslide detection from high-resolution airborne laser scanning data MR Mezaal, B Pradhan, MI Sameen, HZ Mohd Shafri, ZM Yusoff Applied Sciences 7 (7), 730, 2017 | 101 | 2017 |