Helmi Z. M. Shafri
Helmi Z. M. Shafri
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Estimating groundwater vulnerability to pollution using a modified DRASTIC model in the Kerman agricultural area, Iran
A Neshat, B Pradhan, S Pirasteh, HZM Shafri
Environmental earth sciences 71, 3119-3131, 2014
The performance of maximum likelihood, spectral angle mapper, neural network and decision tree classifiers in hyperspectral image analysis
HZM Shafri, A Suhaili, S Mansor
Journal of Computer Science 3 (6), 419-423, 2007
Image classification in remote sensing
J Al-Doski, SB Mansorl, HZM Shafri
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University Putra …, 2013
Hyperspectral imagery for mapping disease infection in oil palm plantationusing vegetation indices and red edge techniques
HZM Shafri, N Hamdan
American Journal of Applied Sciences 6 (6), 1031, 2009
Lineament mapping and its application in landslide hazard assessment: a review
MF Ramli, N Yusof, MK Yusoff, H Juahir, HZM Shafri
Bulletin of engineering Geology and the Environment 69, 215-233, 2010
Oil palm fruit bunch grading system using red, green and blue digital number.
MSM Alfatni, ARM Shariff, HZM Shafri, OMB Saaed, OM Eshanta
Young and mature oil palm tree detection and counting using convolutional neural network deep learning method
NA Mubin, E Nadarajoo, HZM Shafri, A Hamedianfar
International Journal of Remote Sensing 40 (19), 7500-7515, 2019
A review on hyperspectral remote sensing for homogeneous and heterogeneous forest biodiversity assessment
A Ghiyamat, HZM Shafri
International Journal of Remote Sensing 31 (7), 1837-1856, 2010
Spatio-temporal analysis of urban growth from remote sensing data in Bandar Abbas city, Iran
M Dadras, HZM Shafri, N Ahmad, B Pradhan, S Safarpour
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 18 (1), 35-52, 2015
Therapeutic potential of the haruan (Channa striatus): from food to medicinal uses.
M Shafri, MJ Abdul Manan
Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 18 (1), 2012
Early detection of basal stem rot disease (Ganoderma) in oil palms based on hyperspectral reflectance data using pattern recognition algorithms
S Liaghat, R Ehsani, S Mansor, HZM Shafri, S Meon, S Sankaran, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 35 (10), 3427-3439, 2014
Data fusion technique using wavelet transform and Taguchi methods for automatic landslide detection from airborne laser scanning data and quickbird satellite imagery
B Pradhan, MN Jebur, HZM Shafri, MS Tehrany
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and remote sensing 54 (3), 1610-1622, 2015
NDVI differencing and post-classification to detect vegetation changes in Halabja City, Iraq
J Al-Doski, SB Mansor, HZM Shafri
IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics 1 (2), 01-10, 2013
Spectral discrimination of healthy and Ganoderma-infected oil palms from hyperspectral data
HZM Shafri, MI Anuar, IA Seman, NM Noor
International journal of remote sensing 32 (22), 7111-7129, 2011
An analysis of LULC change detection using remotely sensed data; A Case study of Bauchi City
KM Kafi, HZM Shafri, ABM Shariff
IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science 20 (1), 012056, 2014
Validation of SWAT model for stream flow simulation and forecasting in Upper Bernam humid tropical river basin, Malaysia
AW Alansi, MSM Amin, G Abdul Halim, HZM Shafri, W Aimrun
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 6 (6), 7581-7609, 2009
Classification of oil palm fresh fruit bunches based on their maturity using portable four-band sensor system
OMB Saeed, S Sankaran, ARM Shariff, HZM Shafri, R Ehsani, MS Alfatni, ...
Computers and electronics in agriculture 82, 55-60, 2012
Semi-automatic detection and counting of oil palm trees from high spatial resolution airborne imagery
HZM Shafri, N Hamdan, MI Saripan
International journal of remote sensing 32 (8), 2095-2115, 2011
Hyperspectral remote sensing of vegetation using red edge position techniques
HZM Shafri, MAM Salleh, A Ghiyamat
American Journal of Applied Sciences 3 (6), 1864-1871, 2006
Optimized neural architecture for automatic landslide detection from high-resolution airborne laser scanning data
MR Mezaal, B Pradhan, MI Sameen, HZ Mohd Shafri, ZM Yusoff
Applied Sciences 7 (7), 730, 2017
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Articles 1–20