helen hanlon
helen hanlon
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Cited by
Food security outcomes under a changing climate: impacts of mitigation and adaptation on vulnerability to food insecurity
KJ Richardson, KH Lewis, PK Krishnamurthy, C Kent, AJ Wiltshire, ...
Climatic Change 147 (1-2), 327-341, 2018
Elusive extremes
GC Hegerl, H Hanlon, C Beierkuhnlein
Nature Geoscience 4 (3), 142-143, 2011
Temperate airborne grass pollen defined by spatio-temporal shifts in community composition
GL Brennan, C Potter, N De Vere, GW Griffith, CA Skjøth, NJ Osborne, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 3 (5), 750-754, 2019
Future changes to high impact weather in the UK
HM Hanlon, D Bernie, G Carigi, JA Lowe
Climatic Change 166 (3), 50, 2021
What have we learnt from EUPORIAS climate service prototypes?
C Buontempo, HM Hanlon, MB Soares, I Christel, JM Soubeyroux, C Viel, ...
Climate Services, 2017
Investigation of future climate change over the British Isles using weather patterns
JO Pope, K Brown, F Fung, HM Hanlon, R Neal, EJ Palin, A Reid
Climate Dynamics 58 (9), 2405-2419, 2022
Can a decadal forecasting system predict temperature extreme indices?
HM Hanlon, GC Hegerl, SFB Tett, DM Smith
Journal of Climate 26 (11), 3728-3744, 2013
Predicting the severity of the grass pollen season and the effect of climate change in Northwest Europe
A Kurganskiy, S Creer, N De Vere, GW Griffith, NJ Osborne, BW Wheeler, ...
Science Advances 7 (13), eabd7658, 2021
Environmental DNA reveals links between abundance and composition of airborne grass pollen and respiratory health
FM Rowney, GL Brennan, CA Skjøth, GW Griffith, RN McInnes, Y Clewlow, ...
Current Biology 31 (9), 1995-2003. e4, 2021
Equipped to deal with uncertainty in climate and impacts predictions: lessons from internal peer review
A Wesselink, AJ Challinor, J Watson, K Beven, I Allen, H Hanlon, A Lopez, ...
Climatic Change 132, 1-14, 2015
Analogues for the railway network of Great Britain
MG Sanderson, HM Hanlon, EJ Palin, AD Quinn, RT Clark
Meteorological Applications 23 (4), 731-741, 2016
Detection and prediction of mean and extreme European summer temperatures with a multimodel ensemble
HM Hanlon, S Morak, GC Hegerl
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (17), 9631-9641, 2013
Near-term prediction of impact-relevant extreme temperature indices
HM Hanlon, GC Hegerl, SFB Tett, DM Smith
Climatic Change 132, 61-76, 2015
Investigating the impact of climate change on the UK wave power climate
JA Mitchell, PE Bett, HM Hanlon, A Saulter
Meteorologische Zeitschrift 26 (3), 291-306, 2017
Agricultural Distress
KJ Richardson, KH Lewis, PK Krishnamurthy, C Kent, AJ Wiltshire, ...
Economics of Natural Disasters: A Machine-generated Literature Overview, 330, 2024
Temperate grass allergy season defined by spatio-temporal shifts in airborne pollen communities
GL Brennan, C Potter, N Vere, GW Griffith, CA Skjøth, NJ Osborne, ...
bioRxiv, 410829, 2018
Climate science: Elusive extremes. Nat. Geosci., 4, 142–143
GC Hegerl, H Hanlon, C Beierkuhnlein
Effect of Potential Climate Tipping Points on UK Impacts
H Hanlon, M Palmer, R Betts
Met Office, Hadley Centre, 2021
Temperate airborne grass pollen defined by spatio-temporal shifts in community composition. Nature Ecology and Evolution 3: 750–754
GL Brennan, C Potter, N De Vere, GW Griffith, CA Skjøth, NJ Osborne, ...
Impact of climate change on the north sea offshore energy sector
N Fournier, G Guentchev, J Krijnen, A Saulter, C Acton, H Hanlon
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 51272 …, 2018
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Articles 1–20