Eduardo Juarez
Cited by
Cited by
Spatio-spectral classification of hyperspectral images for brain cancer detection during surgical operations
H Fabelo, S Ortega, D Ravi, BR Kiran, C Sosa, D Bulters, GM Callicó, ...
PloS one 13 (3), e0193721, 2018
In-Vivo Hyperspectral Human Brain Image Database for Brain Cancer Detection
H Fabelo, S Ortega, A Szolna, D Bulters, JF Piñeiro, S Kabwama, ...
IEEE Access 7, 39098-39116, 2019
An intraoperative visualization system using hyperspectral imaging to aid in brain tumor delineation
H Fabelo, S Ortega, R Lazcano, D Madroñal, G M. Callicó, E Juárez, ...
Sensors 18 (2), 430, 2018
Supervised machine learning methods and hyperspectral imaging techniques jointly applied for brain cancer classification
G Urbanos, A Martín, G Vázquez, M Villanueva, M Villa, ...
Sensors 21 (11), 3827, 2021
Implementation of the principal component analysis onto high-performance computer facilities for hyperspectral dimensionality reduction: Results and comparisons
E Martel, R Lazcano, J López, D Madroñal, R Salvador, S López, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (6), 864, 2018
Porting a PCA-based hyperspectral image dimensionality reduction algorithm for brain cancer detection on a manycore architecture
R Lazcano, D Madroñal, R Salvador, K Desnos, M Pelcat, R Guerra, ...
Journal of Systems Architecture 77, 101-111, 2017
Complexity analysis of an HEVC decoder based on a digital signal processor
F Pescador, M Chavarrías, MJ Garrido, E Juarez, C Sanz
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 59 (2), 391-399, 2013
SVM-based real-time hyperspectral image classifier on a manycore architecture
D Madroñal, R Lazcano, R Salvador, H Fabelo, S Ortega, GM Callicó, ...
Journal of Systems Architecture 80, 30-40, 2017
Accelerating the K-nearest neighbors filtering algorithm to optimize the real-time classification of human brain tumor in hyperspectral images
G Florimbi, H Fabelo, E Torti, R Lazcano, D Madroñal, S Ortega, ...
Sensors 18 (7), 2314, 2018
MPEG-I depth estimation reference software
S Rogge, D Bonatto, J Sancho, R Salvador, E Juarez, A Munteanu, ...
2019 International Conference on 3D Immersion (IC3D), 1-6, 2019
An H. 264 video decoder based on a latest generation DSP
F Pescador, G Maturana, MJ Garrido, E Juárez, C Sanz
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 55 (1), 205-212, 2009
High-level design using Intel FPGA OpenCL: A hyperspectral imaging spatial-spectral classifier
R Domingo, R Salvador, H Fabelo, D Madronal, S Ortega, R Lazcano, ...
2017 12th International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-centric …, 2017
A DSP based H. 264 decoder for a multi-format IP set-top box
F Pescador, C Sanz, MJ Garrido, E Juárez, D Samper
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 54 (1), 145-153, 2008
A DSP-Based HEVC decoder implementation using an actor language dataflow model
M Chavarrías, F Pescador, MJ Garrido, E Juarez, M Raulet
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 59 (4), 839-847, 2013
Multiclass brain tumor classification using hyperspectral imaging and supervised machine learning
L Ruiz, A Martín, G Urbanos, M Villanueva, J Sancho, G Rosa, M Villa, ...
2020 XXXV conference on design of circuits and integrated systems (DCIS), 1-6, 2020
Maximizing the user experience with energy-based fair sharing in battery limited mobile systems
J Wei, E Juarez, MJ Garrido, F Pescador
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 59 (3), 690-698, 2013
Parallel implementations assessment of a spatial-spectral classifier for hyperspectral clinical applications
R Lazcano, D Madroñal, G Florimbi, J Sancho, S Sanchez, R Leon, ...
IEEE Access 7, 152316-152333, 2019
Hardware/software self-adaptation in CPS: the CERBERO project approach
F Palumbo, T Fanni, C Sau, A Rodríguez, D Madroñal, K Desnos, ...
Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation: 19th …, 2019
Automatic instrumentation of dataflow applications using PAPI
D Madroñal, A Morvan, R Lazcano, R Salvador, K Desnos, E Juárez, ...
Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers …, 2018
A linux implementation of the energy-based fair queuing scheduling algorithm for battery-limited mobile systems
J Wei, R Ren, E Juarez, F Pescador
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 60 (2), 267-275, 2014
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Articles 1–20