Kyungtae Kim
Kyungtae Kim
California Department of Transportation
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Cited by
MASTODON: an open-source software for seismic analysis and risk assessment of critical infrastructure
S Veeraraghavan, C Bolisetti, A Slaughter, J Coleman, S Dhulipala, ...
Nuclear Technology 207 (7), 1073-1095, 2021
Polymer Injection and Liquefaction-Induced Foundation Settlement: a Shake Table Test Investigation
A Prabhakaran, K Kim, MJ Orang, Z Qiu, A Ebeido, M Zayed, R Boushehri, ...
Geo-Congress 2020, 2020
Development and performance of a laminar container for seismic centrifuge modeling
M Zayed, L Luo, K Kim, JS McCartney, A Elgamal
Shake table testing: A high-resolution vertical accelerometer array for tracking shear wave velocity
M Zayed, A Ebeido, A Prabhakaran, K Kim, Z Qiu, A Elgamal
Geotechnical Testing Journal 44 (4), 1097-1118, 2021
Large Scale Geotechnical Shake Table Testing at the University of California San Diego
A Ebeido, M Zayed, K Kim, P Wilson, A Elgamal
Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction for Sustainable Infrastructures …, 2019
Seismic response of suction caisson in large-scale shake table test
M Zayed, K Kim, A Elgamal
Large-scale shake table testing of shallow tunnel-ground system
K Kim, MH El Naggar, A Elgamal
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 166, 107793, 2023
Polymer injection and liquefaction-induced foundation settlement mitigation: a shake table testing investigation
A Prabhakaran, K Kim, M Jahed Orang, Z Qiu, A Ebeido, M Zayed, ...
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 149 (8), 04023054, 2023
Shake table testing for suction bucket foundation wind turbine seismic response
M Zayed, K Kim, A Elgamal
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-19-571, 2019
Racking response of reinforced concrete cut and cover tunnel
K Kim, C Giacalone, A Elgamal, PB Shing
California. Dept. of Transportation, 2016
Three-dimensional seismic response of a large embedded structure and induced earth pressure
J Li, K Kim, A Elgamal
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 146 (5), 04020025, 2020
Experimental Study on Sliding at the Soil-Structure Interface of a Shallow Foundation
M Shahraki, A Tessari, C Bolisetti, E Kurt, K Kim
Geotechnical Testing Journal 47 (2), 2024
Seismic performance of U-shaped spillway retaining wall from shake table tests
K Kim, MA Khalifa, MH El Naggar, A Elgamal
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 172, 108020, 2023
Three-dimensional nonlinear seismic response of large-scale ground-structure systems
KT Kim
University of California, San Diego, 2014
Seismic response of a large-scale highway interchange system
K Kim, A Elgamal, G Petropoulos, A Askan, J Bielak, GL Fenves
Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Design, 223-240, 2013
A Large-Scale Laboratory Experimental Study on the Behavior of Gravel-Concrete Interfaces Used in Dam Safety Evaluation
M Shahraki, A Tessari, C Bolisetti, K Kim, E Kurt
Geo-Congress 2022, 150-159, 2022
Validation of Nonlinear Soil-Structure Interaction in MASTODON
S Shrestha, EG Kurt, K Kim, A Prakash, A Irfanoglu
IASMiRT, 2022
Effect of Soil Properties and Input Motion on Site Amplification Using Validated Nonlinear Soil Model
S Shrestha, EG Kurt, K Kim, A Prakash, A Irfanoglu
Nuclear Technology 207 (11), 1639-1663, 2021
Coupled Multiphysics Simulations of Molten Salt Reactors Subjected to Earthquakes
PB C Bolisetti, K Kim, G Giudicelli, A Abou-Jaoude, S Dhulipala
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 125 (1), 967-969, 2021
Deterministic Simulation of Ground Motion from Induced Seismicity at the FORGE Site
C Bolisetti, K Pankow, KT Kim, R Podgorney
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Articles 1–20