Валерій Гунаc
Валерій Гунаc
Other namesValery Gunas, Гунас Валерій Ігорович
National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya / ВНМУ ім. М.І. Пирогова
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Models of individual linear dimensions necessary for the construction of the correct form of dental arches in young men with a wide face, depending on the features of …
АV Маrchenko, ММ Shinkaruk-Dykovytska, ТР Pozur, VI Gunas, ...
Журнал Польської медичної асоціації, Видавництво ALUNA, Польща, 2020
Modeling of Central Incisors Position Indicators in boys and girls according to CC. Steiner method for Forensic Dental Identification
M Dmitriev, V Gunas, S Polishchuk, I Olkhova, A Kumar
Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine 42 (3), 155-160, 2020
Forensic assessment of gunshot injuries in Maidan Nezalezhnosti protesters
VD Mishalov, ОY Petroshak, TV Hoholyeva, OO Gurina, VI Gunas
World of medicine and biology 69 (3), 118-122, 2019
Features of formation of a temporary pulsating cavity at a contact shot from the “FORT-12RM” pistol in the dressed simulator of a human torso
VI Gunas, RH Nepryliuk, NM Khomuk, LP Tovbukh, YV Ryzhak
Forensic Medical Examination,(2), 45-52, 2020
Predictive assessment of the association of dermatoglyphic indicators with indicators of personality traits, established by factor analysis
ОА Serebrennikova, VІ Gunas, LА Klimas, NP Ocheretna, AV Shayuk
Reports of Morphology 25 (1), 12-18, 2019
Features correlations of the sizes of molars with cephalometric indicators of men of the western region of Ukraine
VI Gunas, OO Kotsyura, LV Babych, YG Shevchuk, OV Cherkasova
Reports of Morphology 26 (2), 51-61, 2020
Correlations of linear sizes of molars with cephalometric indicators of practically healthy men of the southern region of Ukraine
JS Soboń, OV Cherkasova, VI Gunas, LV Babych, OO Kotsyura
Biomedical and Biosocial Anthropology, 36-46, 2020
Судово-медична характеристика вогнепальних пошкоджень шкірозамінника при пострілах із пістолета «Форт-17 Р»
ПЮ Бобков, МФ Лебедь, АМ Перебетюк, ВІ Гунас
Буковинський медичний вісник, 2019
Regional trends indicators finger dermatoglyphics among modern Ukrainians
VD Mishalov, OA Serebrennikova, LA Klimas, VI Gunas
Biomedical and Biosocial Anthropology, 5-12, 2018
Peculiarities of gunshot injuries caused by shots Fort-12RM pistol using cartridges of calibre .45 Rubber
P Bobkov, A Perebetiuk, V Gunas
Folia Societatis Medicinae Legalis Slovacae 9 (1), 44-48, 2019
Modeling using discrimination analysis, priority of practically healthy men to northern or other administrative-territorial regions of Ukraine on the basis of dermatoglyphic …
VI Gunas
World of medicine and biology 63 (1), 9-14, 2018
Discriminating models of dermatoglyphic priority of practically healthy men to southern or other administrative-territorial regions of Ukraine.
VD Mishalov, VІ Gunas
Судово-медична експертиза, 17-21, 2018
Demographic variability indicators of somatically healthy men from different administrative and territorial regions of Ukraine
V Mishalov, L Klimas, V Gunas
Current Issues in Pharmacy and Medical Sciences 29 (2), 90-93, 2016
Palmar dermatoglyphics of modern Ukrainians: regional trends
VІ Gunas, VD Mishalov, ОА Serebrennikova, LА Klimas, AV Shayuk
Biomedical and Biosocial Anthropology, 11-17, 2018
Specifics of fire damage to cotton clothing while shooting point-blank at a human torso simulator from a Fort-12RM pistol
V Gunas, P Bobkov, I Plakhotniuk, S Olhovenko, O Solonyi
Theory and Practice of Forensic Science and Criminalistics 23 (1), 175-187, 2021
Efficiency of determination of elemental composition of metals and their topography in objects of biological origin using spectrometers
OV Mikhailenko, GG Roshchin, OO Dyadyk, IV Irkin, TA Malysheva, ...
Indija, 2021
Correlations of body structure and size indicators with personality indicators of practically healthy women with mesomorphic somatotype
II Andriievskyi, ОА Serebrennikova, IM Kyrychenko, II Zhuchenko, ...
Biomedical and Biosocial Anthropology, 35-44, 2020
Регіональні особливості пальцевої і долонної дерматогліфіки та їх зв’язок із показниками особливостей особистості практично здорових чоловіків України
ВІ Гунас
Protein and peptide profiles of rats’ organs in scorpion envenomation
V Gunas, O Maievskyi, N Raksha, T Vovk, O Savchuk, S Shchypanskyi, ...
Toxicology Reports 10, 615-620, 2023
Correlations of indices of personality traits with indexes of finger and palmar dermatoglyphics of practically healthy Ukrainian men
VІ Gunas
Biomedical and biosocial anthropology, 20-25, 2019
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Articles 1–20