Aaron Hsiao
Aaron Hsiao
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The influence of tourism experience and well-being on place attachment
S Vada, C Prentice, A Hsiao
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 47, 322-330, 2019
Positive psychology and tourist well-being: A systematic literature review
S Vada, C Prentice, N Scott, A Hsiao
Tourism Management Perspectives 33, 100631, 2020
Purification and Characterization of an Antimicrobial Chitinase Extracellularly Produced by Monascus purpureus CCRC31499 in a Shrimp and Crab Shell Powder …
SL Wang, WJ Hsiao, WT Chang
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 50 (8), 2249-2255, 2002
Sentiment analysis–a review and agenda for future research in hospitality contexts
E Ma, M Cheng, A Hsiao
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 30 (11), 3287-3308, 2018
Perceived organizational diversity and employee behavior
A Hsiao, C Auld, E Ma
International Journal of Hospitality Management 48, 102-112, 2015
The role of positive psychology in tourists’ behavioural intentions
S Vada, C Prentice, A Hsiao
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 51, 293-303, 2019
Organizational ethnic diversity’s influence on hotel employees’ satisfaction, commitment, and turnover intention: Gender’s moderating role
A Hsiao, E Ma, K Lloyd, S Reid
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 44 (1), 76-108, 2020
Destination attractiveness and travel intention: the case of Chinese and Indian students in Queensland, Australia
E Ma, A Hsiao, J Gao
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 23 (2), 200-215, 2018
The influence of customer trust and artificial intelligence on customer engagement and loyalty–The case of the home-sharing industry
Y Chen, C Prentice, S Weaven, A Hisao
Frontiers in psychology 13, 912339, 2022
Working with service robots? A systematic literature review of hospitality employees’ perspectives
J Xu, A Hsiao, S Reid, E Ma
International Journal of Hospitality Management 113, 103523, 2023
Understanding wine tourism in China using an integrated product-level and experience economy framework
B Duan, C Arcodia, E Ma, A Hsiao
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 23 (10), 949-960, 2018
The work-family conflict of university foodservice managers: An exploratory study of its antecedents and consequences
B Ryan, E Ma, A Hsiao, M Ku
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 22, 10-18, 2015
Organizational ethnic diversity and employees’ satisfaction with hygiene and motivation factors—A comparative IPA approach
A Hsiao, E Ma, C Auld
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 26 (2), 144-163, 2017
A systematic literature review of AI in the sharing economy
Y Chen, C Prentice, S Weaven, A Hsiao
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 32 (3), 434-451, 2022
Impacts of China tourism law on Chinese outbound travelers and stakeholders: An exploratory discussion
E Ma, C Qu, A Hsiao, X Jin
Journal of China Tourism Research 11 (3), 229-237, 2015
A social exchange perspective on boosting customer loyalty through culturally competent servers
A Hsiao, E Ma, A Manfreda, M Baker, J Xu
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 32 (4), 555-577, 2023
The influence of norms on tourist behavioural intentions
A Wasaya, C Prentice, A Hsiao
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 50, 277-287, 2022
Conceptualization and operationalization of an altruistic and egoistic continuum of organizational citizenship behavior motivations
E Ma, H Qu, X Wei, A Hsiao
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 42 (5), 740-771, 2018
Inspiring good soldiers cross-culturally through the lens of the theory of planned behavior—which works best, norms or behavioral control?
E Ma, A Hsiao, J Gao, S Vada
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 45, 99-112, 2020
Minorities’ job satisfaction and organisational commitment in hospitality industry
A Hsiao
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 11 (2 …, 2017
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Articles 1–20