Annette Aagaard Thuesen
Annette Aagaard Thuesen
Other namesAnnette Aagaard Thuessen
Lektor, Center for Landdistriktsforskning, Syddansk Universitet
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Identifying social innovations in European local rural development initiatives
G Bosworth, F Rizzo, D Marquardt, D Strijker, T Haartsen, ...
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 29 (4), 442-461, 2016
Is LEADER elitist or inclusive? Composition of Danish LAG boards in the 2007–2013 rural development and fisheries programmes
AA Thuesen
Sociologia ruralis 50 (1), 31-45, 2010
A territorial perspective on EU's LEADER Approach in Denmark: the added value of community-led local development of rural and coastal areas in a multi-level governance settings
AA Thuessen, NC Nielsen
European Countryside 6 (4), 307, 2014
‘We live in nature all the time’: Spatial justice, outdoor recreation, and the refrains of rural rhythm
PH Johansen, JK Fisker, AA Thuesen
Geoforum 120, 132-141, 2021
Staying for the benefits: Location‐specific insider advantages for geographically immobile students in higher education
E Mærsk, JFL Sørensen, AA Thuesen, T Haartsen
Population, Space and Place 27 (4), e2442, 2021
Partnerships as associations: Input and output legitimacy of LEADER partnerships in Denmark, Finland and Sweden
AA Thuesen
European Planning Studies 19 (4), 575-594, 2011
Important Types of LAG–Municipality Interaction When Collaborating on Rural Development: Lessons from Danish LEADER LAGs
KA Teilmann, AA Thuesen
International Journal of Rural Management 10 (1), 21-45, 2014
Experiencing multi-level meta-governance
AA Thuesen
Local Government Studies 39 (4), 600-623, 2013
Det, der betyder noget for livet på landet...:-en undersøgelse af positiv landdistriksudvikling i form af befolkningsfremgang i et landsogn i hver af de fem regioners yderområder
PH Johansen, AA Thuesen
Syddansk Universitet. Institut for Forskning og Udvikling i Landdistrikter, 2011
Rural community development through competitions, prizes, and campaigns: The villagers’ perspective
H Nørgaard, AA Thuesen
Journal of Rural Studies 87, 465-473, 2021
Questioning the gender distribution in Danish LEADER LAGs
AA Thuesen, P Derkzen
Evaluating the European Approach to Rural Development, 127-147, 2016
Local democracy in large municipalities: co-creating democracy and rural development through multi-level participation structures and local development plans
AA Thuesen
Town Planning Review 88 (3), 327-348, 2017
Symbolic mobility capital to fight the social stigma of staying: how young adults re-imagine narratives of ‘leaving’during higher education
E Mærsk, AA Thuesen, T Haartsen
Journal of Youth Studies 26 (2), 153-169, 2023
Is LEADER elitist or inclusive
Composition of Danish LAG, 2010
Micropolitical practices of multispatial metagovernance in rural Denmark
JK Fisker, PH Johansen, AA Thuesen
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 40 (4), 970-986, 2022
Danish rural areas' readiness for joint action as a proxy for the potential for co-production
AA Thuesen, HB Rasmussen
Journal of Rural and Community Development 10 (1), 2015
Coordination of village plans and municipal rural and health policies‐Can low‐hanging fruit be picked?
AA Thuesen, PT Andersen
Sociologia Ruralis 61 (1), 190-211, 2021
The democratic capabilities of and rhetoric on LEADER LAGs in the EU–the Danish case
AA Thuesen
Evaluating the European Approach to Rural Development, 79-93, 2016
Moving to the ‘Wild West’–clarifying the first-hand experiences and second-hand perceptions of a Danish university town on the periphery
A Aagaard Thuesen, E Mærsk, HR Randløv
European Planning Studies 28 (11), 2134-2152, 2020
At forlade gruppen" og blive" fiskerpigen fra Esbjerg
AA Thuesen, E Mærsk, HR Randlev
Vækst og vilkår på landet: Viden, visioner og virkemidler, 211-221, 2018
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Articles 1–20