Hao Li
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Cited by
Climate change effects on livestock in the Northeast US and strategies for adaptation
AN Hristov, AT Degaetano, CA Rotz, E Hoberg, RH Skinner, T Felix, H Li, ...
Climatic Change 146, 33-45, 2018
The effects of cow-related factors on rectal temperature, respiration rate, and temperature-humidity index thresholds for lactating cows exposed to heat stress
G Yan, K Liu, Z Hao, Z Shi, H Li
Journal of Thermal Biology 100, 103041, 2021
Study on convective heat transfer from pig models by CFD in a virtual wind tunnel
H Li, L Rong, G Zhang
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 123, 203-210, 2016
Ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from fattening pig house with two types of partial pit ventilation systems
C Zong, H Li, G Zhang
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 208, 94-105, 2015
Reliability of turbulence models and mesh types for CFD simulations of a mechanically ventilated pig house containing animals
H Li, L Rong, G Zhang
Biosystems Engineering 161, 37-52, 2017
Using CFD to assess the influence of ceiling deflector design on airflow distribution in hen house with tunnel ventilation
Q Cheng, H Li, L Rong, X Feng, G Zhang, B Li
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 151, 165-174, 2018
CFD study of the influence of laying hen geometry, distribution and weight on airflow resistance
Q Cheng, W Wu, H Li, G Zhang, B Li
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 144, 181-189, 2018
Assessing effects of wind speed and wind direction on discharge coefficient of sidewall opening in a dairy building model–A numerical study
Q Yi, X Wang, G Zhang, H Li, D Janke, T Amon
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 162, 235-245, 2019
Numerical study on the convective heat transfer of fattening pig in groups in a mechanical ventilated pig house
H Li, L Rong, G Zhang
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 149, 90-100, 2018
Effects of chronic heat stress and ammonia concentration on blood parameters of laying hens
D Li, Q Tong, Z Shi, H Li, Y Wang, B Li, G Yan, H Chen, W Zheng
Poultry Science 99 (8), 3784-3792, 2020
A numerical study on forced convective heat transfer of a chicken (model) in horizontal airflow
H Li, L Rong, C Zong, G Zhang
Biosystems Engineering 150, 151-159, 2016
Evaluation of thermal indices based on their relationships with some physiological responses of housed lactating cows under heat stress
G Yan, H Li, W Zhao, Z Shi
International journal of biometeorology 64, 2077-2091, 2020
A Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network With Skip Connections for Saliency Prediction.
F Qi, C Lin, G Shi, H Li
IEEE Access 7, 60428-60438, 2019
Numerical investigation on the effects of building configuration on discharge coefficient for a cross-ventilated dairy building model
Q Yi, H Li, X Wang, C Zong, G Zhang
Biosystems Engineering 182, 107-122, 2019
Assessing response surface methodology for modelling air distribution in an experimental pig room to improve air inlet design based on computational fluid dynamics
H Li, L Rong, C Zong, G Zhang
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 141, 292-301, 2017
Evaluation of thermal indices as the indicators of heat stress in dairy cows in a temperate climate
G Yan, H Li, Z Shi
Animals 11 (8), 2459, 2021
Development and evaluation of thermal models for predicting skin temperature of dairy cattle
G Yan, K Liu, Z Hao, H Li, Z Shi
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 188, 106363, 2021
A multiscale dilated dense convolutional network for saliency prediction with instance-level attention competition
H Li, F Qi, G Shi, C Lin
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 64, 102611, 2019
Critical temperature-humidity index thresholds based on surface temperature for lactating dairy cows in a temperate climate
G Yan, Z Shi, H Li
Agriculture 11 (10), 970, 2021
Pre-weaned dairy calf management practices, morbidity and mortality of bovine respiratory disease and diarrhea in China
W Zhao, CY Choi, G Li, H Li, Z Shi
Livestock Science 251, 104608, 2021
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Articles 1–20